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修改条款为 CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

十万个为什么您好,我是缺氧中文维基的行政员DDElephant。首先感谢您对缺氧中文维基的贡献。但是,由于我的失误,现在必须将缺氧中文社区的授权协议从现在的CC-BY-SA修改为CC BY-NC-SA 3.0。因此,我在首先在这里询问您是否愿意将原本在本站发布的所有贡献改为CC BY-NC-SA 3.0授权条款。在取得所有贡献者的意见之后,我会与Fandom工作人员商讨协议修改相关事宜。

英文缺氧wiki原本隶属于Gamepedia,其上的所有内容按照CC BY-NC-SA 3.0授权条款发布。因此,为了利用和翻译英文缺氧wiki上的资料,本站内容应以CC BY-NC-SA 3.0授权条款发布。


Hi 十万个为什么, I am DDElephant, the Bureaucrat of this community. Firstly, I'd like to say thank you for your contribution to the Oxygen Not Included Wiki (Chinese). Unfortunately, I have to change the license for the content of this community from CC-BY-SA to CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 now because of my negligence. Therefore, I'm here to ask for your consent of republishing your previous contributions under BY-NC-SA 3.0 before I contact Fandom staff.

The English NOI wiki was from Gamepedia, so its content is with the NC restriction. Therefore, in order to copy and translate pages on the English wiki, we have to release content under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0.

If you agree with this conversion, please let me know under this talk topic. DDElephant讨论) 2021年5月28日 (五) 07:39 (UTC)