Email content

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Below is all of the emails that can be found in the game. E-mails are unlocked through inspecting Computer Desks, unless otherwise indicated. Formatting is preserved where possible, including the reverse chronological order.


Re: Objectionable Request

Unique name: AIControl


To: Director Stern <[email protected]>

From: Dr. Broussard <[email protected]>


It just gives me a bad feeling.
I can't stop you if you insist on going forward with this, but I'd ask that you remove me from the project.

-Dr. Broussard

Bioengineering Department

The Gravitas Facility


SUBJECT: Re: Objectionable Request

To: Dr. Broussard <[email protected]>

From: Director Stern <[email protected]>


You signed off on cranial chip implantation. Why would this be where you draw the line?
It would be an invaluable safety measure and protect your printing subjects.

-Director Stern

The Gravitas Facility


SUBJECT: Re: Objectionable Request

To: Director Stern <[email protected]>

From: Dr. Broussard <[email protected]>


You can't be serious, Jacquelyn?

-Dr. Broussard

Bioengineering Department

The Gravitas Facility


SUBJECT: Re: Objectionable Request

To: Dr. Broussard <[email protected]>

From: Director Stern <[email protected]>


I understand your concerns, but engineering's newest project was conceived under my supervision.
Please give them any materials they require to move forward with their research.

-Director Stern

The Gravitas Facility


SUBJECT: Objectionable Request

To: Director Stern <[email protected]>

From: Dr. Broussard <[email protected]>


Engineering has requested the brainmaps of all blueprint subjects for the development of a podlinked software and I am reluctant to oblige.
I believe they are seeking a way to exert temporary control over implanted subjects, and I fear this avenue of research may be ethically unsound.

-Dr. Broussard

Bioengineering Department

The Gravitas Facility


Re: Call me

Unique name:


To: [BCC: ALL]

From: Quinn Kelly <[email protected]>


Dear colleagues, friends and community members.
After nine deeply fulfilling years as editor of The STEM Scoop, I am steeping down to spend more time with my family.
Please give a warm welcome to Dorian Hearst, who will be taking over editorial management duties effective immediately.

All the best,

Quinn Kelly


Re: Call me

To: Dr. Olowe <[email protected]>

From: Quinn Kelly <[email protected]>


I don't know how you pulled it off, but Stern's office just called the paper and granted me an exclusive...and a tour of the Gravitas Facility. I owe you a beer. No - a case of beer. Six cases of beer!
Seriously, thank you. I know you're in a difficult position but you've done the right thing. See you on Tuesday.



SUBJECT: Re: Call me

To: Dr. Olowe <[email protected]>

From: Quinn Kelly <[email protected]>


I waited at the fountain for four hours. Where were you? This story is going to be huge. Call me.



Call me

To: Dr. Olowe <[email protected]>

From: Quinn Kelly <[email protected]>


Dr. Olowe,
I'm sorry - I know ambushing you at your home last night was a bad idea. But something is happening at Gravitas, and people need to know. Please call me.



Re: Implant Database Request

Unique name: ArtHistoryRequest


To: Dr. Broussard <[email protected]>

From: Director Stern <[email protected]>


If there is room available after the necessary scientific and survival knowledge has been uploaded, I will see what I can do.

-Director Stern

The Gravitas Facility


Implant Database Request

To: Director Stern <[email protected]>

From: Dr. Broussard <[email protected]>


I have been thinking, and it occurs to me that our subjects will likely travel outside our range of radio contact when establishing new colonies.
Colonies travel into the cosmos as representatives of humanity, and I believe it is our duty to preserve the planet's non-scientific knowledge in addition to practical information.
I would like to make a formal request that comprehensive arts and cultural histories make their way onto the microchip databases.

-Dr. Broussard

Bioengineering Department

The Gravitas Facility


Results from Atomicon

Unique name: AtomiconRecruitment


To: Director Stern <[email protected]>

From: Dr. Jones <[email protected]>


Everything went well. Broussard was reluctant at first, but she has little alternative given the nature of her work and the recent turn of events.
She can begin at your convenience.


Dr. Jones

Information and Statistics Department

The Gravitas Facility


Re: devon's bloggg

Unique name: DevonsBlog


To: Dr. Summers <[email protected]>

From: Dr. Jones <[email protected]>


WAIT, Joshua, you read Devon's blog??


Dr. Jones

Information and Statistics Department

The Gravitas Facility


SUBJECT: devon's bloggg

To: Dr. Jones <[email protected]>

From: Dr. Summers <[email protected]>


Oh cool, Devon's writing a new post for Toast of the Town? I'd love to tag along and "see how the sausage is made" so to speak, haha.
I'll see you guys in a bit! :)

-Dr. Summers

Information and Statistics Department

The Gravitas Facility


SUBJECT: devon's bloggg

To: Dr. Summers <[email protected]>

From: Dr. Jones <[email protected]>


Oh my goddd I found out today that Devon's one of those people who takes pictures of their food and uploads them to some boring blog somewhere.
You HAVE to come to lunch with us and see, they spend so long taking pictures that the food gets cold and they have to ask the waiter to reheat it. It's SO FUNNY.


Dr. Jones

Information and Statistics Department

The Gravitas Facility



Unique name: FriendlyEmail


To: Dr. Techna <[email protected]>

From: Dr. Jones <[email protected]>


Omg, hi Nikola!
Have you heard about the super weird thing that's been happening in the kitchen lately? Joshua's lunch has disappeared from the fridge like, every day for the past week!
There's a ton of cameras in that room too but all anyone can see is like this spiky blond hair behind the fridge door.
So weird right? ;)
Anyway, totally unrelated, but our computer system's been having this glitch where datasets going back for like half a year get totally wiped for all employees with the initials "N.T."
Isn't it weird how specific that is? Don't worry though! I'm sure I'll have it fixed before it affects any of your work.


Dr. Jones

Information and Statistics Department

The Gravitas Facility


Re: dr. holland's dog

Unique name: HollandsDog


To: Dr. Summers <[email protected]>

From: Dr. Jones <[email protected]>


You're the worst!


Dr. Jones

Information and Statistics Department

The Gravitas Facility


Re: dr. holland's dog

To: Dr. Jones <[email protected]>

From: Dr. Summers <[email protected]>


Haha, I think it's nice, he really loves his dog. Oh! Did I show you the thing my cat did last night? She always falls asleep on my bed but this time she sprawled out on her back and her little tongue was poking out! So cute.

-Dr. Summers

Information and Statistics Department

The Gravitas Facility


dr. holland's dog

To: Dr. Summers <[email protected]>

From: Dr. Jones <[email protected]>


OMIGOD, every time I go into the break room now I get ambushed by Dr. Holland and he traps me in a 20 minute conversation about his new dog.
Like, I GET it! Your puppy is cute! Why do you have like 400 different pictures of it on your phone, FROM THE SAME ANGLE?!
SO annoying.


Dr. Jones

Information and Statistics Department

The Gravitas Facility


Duplicant Memory Solution

Unique name: MemoryChip


To: Director Stern <[email protected]>



I had a thought about how to solve your Duplicant memory problem.
Rather than attempt to access the subject's old memories, what if we were to embed all necessary information for colony survival into the printing process itself?
The amount of data engineering can store has grown exponentially over the last year. We should take advantage of the technological development.


Engineering Department

The Gravitas Facility



Unique name: MyPens



From: Admin <[email protected]>


We would like to remind staff not to use the CC: All function for intra-office issues.
In the event of disputes or disruptive work behavior within the facility, please speak to HR directly.
We thank-you for your restraint.


The Gravitas Facility






To whomever is stealing the glitter pens off of my desk:



Information and Statistics Department

The Gravitas Facility


Welcome, New Employee

Unique name: NewEmployee


To: All



Attention Gravitas Facility personnel;
Please welcome our newest staff member, Olivia Broussard, PhD.
Dr. Broussard will be leading our upcoming genetics project and has been installed in our bioengineering department.
Be sure to offer her our warmest welcome.


Personnel Coordinator

The Gravitas Facility


New Security System?

Unique name: NewSecurity2





So, the facility is introducing this new security system that scans your hand to unlock the doors. My question is, what exactly are they scanning?
The folks in engineering say the door device doesn't look like a fingerprint scanner, but the duo working over in bioengineering won't comment at all.
I can't say I like it.


The Gravitas Facility


They Stole Our DNA

Unique name: NewSecurity3





I'm almost certain now that the Facility's stolen our genetic information.
Forty-odd employees would make for mighty convenient lab rats, and even if we discovered what Gravitas did, we wouldn't have a lot of legal options. We can't exactly go to the public given the nature of our work.
I can't stop thinking about what sort of experiments they might be conducting on my DNA, but I have to keep my mouth shut.
I can't risk losing my job.


The Gravitas Facility


Parking in Lot D

Unique name: Parking
Unlocked by: inspecting Computer Podium



From: ADMIN <[email protected]>


Another set of masticated windshield wipers has been discovered in Parking Lot D following the Bioengineering Department's critter enclosure breach last week.
Employees are strongly encouraged to plug their vehicles in at lots A-C until further notice.
Please refrain from calling municipal animal control - all critter sightings should be reported directly to Dr. Byron.



The Gravitas Facility


Polite Request

Unique name: PoliteRequest


To: All

From: Admin <[email protected]>


To whoever is entering Director Stern's office to move objects on her desk one inch to the left, please desist as she finds it quite unnerving.



The Gravitas Facility


Preliminary Calculations

Unique name: PreliminaryCalculations





Even with dramatic optimization we can't fit the massive volume of resources needed for a colony seed aboard the craft, even when calculating for a very small interplanetary travel duration.
Some serious changes are gonna have to be made for this to work.



Information and Statistics Department

The Gravitas Facility


Re: Have you seen this?

Unique name: Research Giant Article



From: Director Stern <[email protected]>


Please pay it no mind. If any of these journals reach out to you, deny comment.

-Director Stern

The Gravitas Facility


SUBJECT: Have you seen this?

To: Director Stern <[email protected]>



Director, are you aware of the articles that have been cropping up about us lately?
>[BROKEN LINK] the gravitas facility: questionable rise of a research giant


Personnel Coordinator

The Gravitas Facility


RE: To Otto (Spec Changes)

Unique name: ReTemporalBowUpdate


To: Dr. Sklodowska <[email protected]>

From: Mr. Kraus <[email protected]>


Thanks Doctor.

PS, if you hit the "Reply" button instead of composing a new e-mail it makes it easier for people to tell what you're replying to. :)

I appreciate it!

Mr. Kraus

Physics Department

The Gravitas Facility


To Otto (Spec Changes)

To: Mr. Kraus <[email protected]>

From: Dr. Sklodowska <[email protected]>


Try not to take it too personally, it's probably just stress.

The Facility started going through a major overhaul not long before you got here, so I imagine the Director is having quite a time getting it all sorted out.

Things will calm down once all the new departments are settled.

Dr. Sklodowska

Physics Department

The Gravitas Facility


Spec Changes

Unique name: TemporalBowUpdate


To: Dr. Sklodowska <[email protected]>

From: Mr. Kraus <[email protected]>


Dr. Sklodowska, could I ask you to forward me the new spec changes to the Temporal Bow?

The Director completely ignored me when I asked for a project update this morning. She walked right past me in the hall - I didn't realize I was that far down on the food chain. :(

Mr. Kraus

Physics Department

The Gravitas Facility

Re: omg the janitor

Unique name: TheJanitor


To: Dr. Summers <[email protected]>

From: Dr. Jones <[email protected]>


Pfft, whatever.


Dr. Jones

Information and Statistics Department

The Gravitas Facility


SUBJECT: Re: omg the janitor

To: Dr. Jones <[email protected]>

From: Dr. Summers <[email protected]>


Aw, he's really nice if you get to know him though. Really dependable too. One time I busted a wheel off my office chair and he got me a new one in like, two minutes. I think he's just sweaty because he works so hard.

-Dr. Summers

Information and Statistics Department

The Gravitas Facility


SUBJECT: omg the janitor

To: Dr. Summers <[email protected]>

From: Dr. Jones <[email protected]>


OMIGOSH have you seen our building's janitor? He totally smells and he has sweat stains under his armpits like EVERY time I see him. SO embarrassing.


Dr. Jones

Information and Statistics Department

The Gravitas Facility


The Laws of Thermodynamics

Unique name: ThermodynamicLaws


To: Mr. Kraus <[email protected]>

From: Dr. Jones <[email protected]>


Hello Mr. Kraus!
I was just e-mailing you after our little chat today to pass along something you might like to read - I think you'll find it super useful in your research!
Energy can neither be created or destroyed, only change forms.
Entropy in an isolated system that is not in equilibrium tends to increase over time, approaching the maximum value at equilibrium.
Entropy in a system approaches a constant minimum as temperature approaches absolute zero.
If two thermodynamic systems are in thermal equilibrium with a third, then they are in thermal equilibrium with each other.
If this is too complicated for you, you can come by to chat. I'd be thrilled to answer your questions. ;)


Dr. Jones

Information and Statistics Department

The Gravitas Facility


Vacation Request Approved

Unique name: TimeOffApproved


To: Dr. Ross <[email protected]>

From: Admin <[email protected]>


Vacation Request Granted
Good luck, Devon!
:: Vacation Request [May 18th-20th]
:: Reason: Time off request for attendance of the Blogjam Awards ("Toast of the Town" nominated in the Freshest Food Blog category).


The Gravitas Facility


Spaced Out!

Spaced Out
This article is related to DLC content of Spaced Out.

RE: Engineer Candidate?

Unique name: EngineerCandidate


To: Director Stern <[email protected]>



Director, I think I've found the perfect engineer candidate to design our small-scale colony machines.
Bringing Creative Workspace Ideas into the Industrial Setting
Michael E.E. Perlmutter is a rising star in the world industrial design, making a name for himself by cooking up playful workspaces for a work force typically left out of the creative conversation.
"Ergodynamic chairs have been done to death," says Perlmutter. "What I'm interested in is redesigning the industrial space. There's no reason why a machine can't convey a sense of whimsy."
It's this philosophy that has launched Perlmutter to the top of a very short list of hot new industrial designers.


Human Resources Coordinator

The Gravitas Facility