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Overlays are one of the types of menus which allow you to access/see different characteristics of your Colony.


List of overlays

Icon Type Hint
Oxygen Overlay Icon Oxygen Overlay Displays ambient oxygen density (F1)
Power Overlay Icon Power Overlay Displays power grid components (F2)
Temperature Overlay Icon Temperature Overlay Displays ambient temperature (F3)
Materials Overlay Icon Materials Overlay Highlights the different solids, liquids and gases and groups them by type (F4)
Light Overlay Icon Light Overlay Displays the visibility radius of light sources (F5)
Plumbing Overlay Icon Plumbing Overlay Displays liquid pipe system components (F6)
Ventilation Overlay Icon Ventilation Overlay Displays gas pipe system components (F7)
Decor Overlay Icon Decor Overlay Displays decor values (F8)
Germ Overlay Icon Germ Overlay Displays disease risk areas (F9)
The same overlay is also opened when the "Disinfect buildings" action is selected (I)
Farming Overlay Icon Farming Overlay Displays plant growth progress (F10)
A very similar overlay is opened when the "Harvest plants" action is selected (Y)
Room Overlay Icon Room Overlay Displays fully enclosed rooms (F11)
Exosuit Overlay Icon Exosuit Overlay Displays suit locations (Shift+F1)
Automation Overlay Icon Automation Overlay Displays automation systems (Shift+F2)
Conveyor Overlay Icon Conveyor Overlay Displays conveyor transport components (Shift+F3)
Radiation Overlay Icon Radiation Overlay Displays the visibility radius of radiation sources (Shift+F4)
Priority Overlay Icon Priority Overlay Displays and assigns the different priorities (P)

The later ones only become available once the according research is done, e.g. the Exosuit Overlay only appears if the Hazard Protection research has been done.