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Oxygen Not Included

Template-info.svg Documentation Edit this documentation at Template:ONI/doc.

Using the {{ONI}} simply prints the Oxygen Not Included text in correct styling for any surrounding font size.

Code Result
Surrounding plain text {{ONI}} looks like this Surrounding plain text Oxygen Not Included looks like this
<span style="font-size:1.25em;">Within slightly larger text, {{ONI}} will fit right in</span> Within slightly larger text, Oxygen Not Included will fit right in
<span style="font-size:1.5em; color:green">Within other colors {{ONI}} has no problems</span> Within other colors Oxygen Not Included has no problems
<span style="font-size:20px;">You can style {{ONI}}'s font size in em, px, percent or otherwise</span> You can style Oxygen Not Included's font size in em, px, percent or otherwise
<span style="font-size:125%; text-transform: capitalize;">text transforms have no effect on {{ONI}} either</span> Text transforms have no effect on Oxygen Not Included either