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The basic skeleton of the template is:

| caption =
| collapsed = 
| width =
| default = 
| power =
| liquid =
| gas =
| automation =
| conveyor =
| oxygen =
| temperature =
| material =
| light =
| decor =
| radiation =

caption sets a description for the schematic. This is all that shows when the schematic is collapsed. If the collapsed parameter is set, then it will default to a collapsed state.

width sets how wide to make the schematic. You should set this to make sure your schematic isn't huge.

Each of the rest of these matches up with an overlay in the game. For most purposes, you will only want default, power, liquid, and gas; you can leave the other parameters out.


| caption = Natural Gas Complex with separate 1kW subsystems
| width = 500px
| default = NaturalGasComplexDefault.png
| power = NaturalGasComplexPower.png
| liquid = NaturalGasComplexLiquid.png
| gas = NaturalGasComplexGas.png
Natural Gas Complex with separate 1kW subsystems   
Display default viewDisplay power grid componentsDisplay liquid pipe system componentsDisplay gas pipe system componentsDisplay automation systemDisplay Conveyor systemDisplay ambient oxygen densityDisplay ambient temperatureHighlights the different solids, liquids and gases and groups them by typeDisplay the visibility radius of light sourcesDisplay decor valuesDisplay task priority valuesDisplay the visibility radius of Radiation sources