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This template is used to display another template without actually using it and allows the parameters to be displayed as well, for example:

  • {{tlx|stub|1|2|nl=y}} returns {{stub |1 |2 |nl = y}}
  • {{tlx|example template|abc|def|ghi|jkl|mno=pqr|stu=vw|x=yz}} generates {{example template |abc |def |ghi |jkl |mno = pqr |stu = vw |x = yz}}.
  • {{tlx|example template|abc|def|ghi|jkl|mno=pqr|#nolink=yes}} generates {{example template |abc |def |ghi |jkl |mno = pqr}}.
  • {{tlx|ResearchCost|8|format=list|#syntax highlight=yes}} generates
    {{ResearchCost |8 |format = list}}
  • {{tlx|#invoke:ForArgs|forNumArgs||$val|"$val"}} generates {{#invoke:ForArgs |forNumArgs | |$val |"$val"}}.