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Draft Specification: Tiles Of Interest

  • Feedback needed!
  • The main motivation behind this is to show the tile locations of various buildings' interaction points, especially where they are not obvious or are in a different location than expected from the game's animations.

Tile coordinates

This draft uses the following rules for specifying TOI tile locations, which I propose should be the standard if found to be acceptable:

  • Use numbers, not text. This is for clarity and consistency, and for template/module coding ease.
  • Point-of-origin (x1, y1) is the bottom-left tile. This is where the TOI is for most buildings, and is more or less consistent with left-to-right reading/numbering for most English-speaking locales.
  • Specifying the y axis (row) is optional if the TOI is on the first (bottom) row. This will be the location for most buildings.
  • If a building has multiple TOI and they are all at the same location, a single "catch-all" TOI may be specified. (not 100% sure about this, might complicate coding?)

Example #1, grid (with explicit numbering):

1,4 2,4 3,4 4,4
1,3 2,3 3,3 4,3
1,2 2,2 3,2 4,2
1,1 2,1 3,1 4,1

Based on the above rules, most buildings will have their TOI at tile coodinate 1.

Example #2, from an image:

Toi Rock Crusher.jpg

In this case the Dupe TOI is 2. This image is also a good example of a misleading animation.

(more examples here)

Statistical summary

From this reddit post :

There are:

  • 8 one-tile-wide buildings with a TOI at position 1 that serves one or more functions
  • 16 two-tile-wide buildings with a TOI at position 1 that serves one or more functions
  • 5 three-tile-wide buildings with a TOI at position 2 that serves one or more functions
  • 9 four-tile-wide buildings with a TOI at position 2 that serves one or more functions
  • 3 buildings have multiple Dupe TOI.
  • 13 buildings do not fit into any of the categories above
  • 34 buildings have no data as yet
  • Most, but not all, TOI are rotated/flipped with their building as expected.

TOI types / functions

Preliminary type names & type ID numbers.

ID Name Description Remarks
1 Dupe Duplicant operation / interaction The tile that dupes need to access to make the building work. Also important for positioning pressure plates and lighting. The in-game animations are inaccurate for at least four buildings.
2 Input Delivery point The tile that must be accessible by dupes/auto-loaders to supply the building with any needed resources.
3 Output Material output Where the building drops any generated resources and/or by-products.


(Not yet finalized)

  • Squares coloured by TOI type?
  • Just text maybe? Could use first character of each type name (D/I/O). An asterisk could mean "all types".
  • Probably helpful to superimpose a grid.

(mock-up some examples here)

Template/module considerations

  • Multiple superimposition layers.
  • Image, layer, and annotation scaling.
  • Handle tile-based coordinates.
  • Existing building images (from the GUI) are not scaled consistently.
  • Multiple, potentially overlapping, TOI annotations.
  • Some buildings can be flipped/rotated.
  • Some buildings are slightly bigger than their tile size would indicate.

Specific building Remarks

  • If the Polymer Press is flipped, its TOI does not mirror its position as expected, and is also outside the building's 3-tile footprint (TOI 1 becomes 4!). (needs verification in-game)
  • The Printing Pod's output TOI is between its middle two tiles (2 and 3). Probably best to handle it as a one-off? Should note that pressure plates won't trigger. (needs verification in-game)

Test cases


Dupe Input Output Remarks
Storage Bin 1x2 1 1
Ration Box 2x1 1 1
... ... ... ... ...