Log Entries

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Below are all the log entries that can be unlocked over the course of the game. Most of them trigger when a certain condition is met: for example, Death in the Colony is unlocked the first time a duplicant dies.

The log entries are in the order they appear in game, meaning Death in the Colony (log 8) is at the end.

Some vanilla log entries are barred from appearing when the DLC is active, such as "Surface Breach".


Boot Message

Unique name: MyLog1

I've awoken at the target location, but colonization efforts have already hit a hitch. I was supposed to land on the planet's surface, but became trapped many miles underground instead.

Although the conditions are not ideal, it's imperative that I establish a colony here and begin mounting efforts to escape.

Cycle 1

Unique name: MyLog2

We have no life support in place yet, but we've found ourselves in a small breathable air pocket. As far as I can tell, we aren't in any immediate danger.

Between the available air and our meager food stores, I'd estimate we have about 3 days to set up food and oxygen production before my Duplicants' lives are at risk.

The Printing Pod

Unique name: MyLog3

This is the conduit through which I interact with the world. Looking at it fills me with a sense of nostalgia and comfort, though it's tinged with a slight restlessness.

As the place of their origin, I notice the Duplicants regard my Pod with a certain reverence, much like the reverence a child might have for a parent. I'm happy to fill this role for them, should they desire.

Cycle 3

Unique name: MyLog4

I've almost synthesized enough Ooze to print a new Duplicant; once the Ooze is ready, all I'll have left to do is choose a blueprint.

It'd be helpful to have an extra set of hands around the colony, but having another Duplicant also means another mouth to feed.

Of course, I could always print supplies to help my existing Duplicants instead. I'm sure they would appreciate it.

Geographical Survey

Unique name: MyLog5

As the Duplicants scout further out I've begun to piece together a better view of our surroundings.

Thanks to their efforts, I've determined that this planet has enough resources to settle a longterm colony.

But... something is off. I've also detected deposits of Abyssalite and Neutronium in this planet's composition, manmade elements that shouldn't occur in nature.

Is this really the target location?

Cycle 15

Unique name: MyLog6

As far as I can tell, we are hundreds of miles beneath the surface of the planet. Digging our way out will take some time.

My Duplicants will survive, but they were not meant for sustained underground living. Under what possible circumstances could my Pod have ended up here?

Strange Relics

Unique name: MyLog7

My Duplicant discovered an intact computer during their latest scouting mission. This should not be possible.

The target location was not meant to possess any intelligent life besides our own, and what's more, the equipment we discovered appears to originate from the Gravitas Facility.

This discovery has raised many questions, though it's also provided a small clue; the machine discovered was embedded inside the rock of this planet, just like how I found my Pod.

Only One Remains

Unique name: MyLog9

My colony is in a dire state. All but one of my Duplicants has perished, leaving a single worker to perform all the tasks that maintain the colony.

Given enough time I could print more Duplicants to replenish the population, but... should this Duplicant die before then, protocol will force me to enter a deep sleep in hopes that the terrain will become more habitable once I reawaken.

I would prefer to avoid this.

Out Of Blueprints

Unique name: MyLog10

I've officially run out of unique blueprints from which to print new Duplicants.

If I desire to grow the colony further, I'll have no choice but to print doubles of existing individuals. Hopefully it won't throw anyone into an existential crisis to live side by side with their double.

Perhaps I could give the new clones nicknames to reduce the confusion.


Unique name: MyLog11

>>SEARCH DATABASE ["vacillator"]


>...repairing corrupt data...

>...data repaired...


>>returning results


I remember...




Extreme Heat Danger

Unique name: MyLog12

The readings I'm collecting from my Duplicant's sensory systems tell me that the further down they dig, the closer they come to an extreme and potentially dangerous heat source.

I believe they are approaching a molten core, which could mean magma and lethal temperatures. I should equip them accordingly.

Surface Breach

Unique name: MyLog13

My Duplicants have done the impossible and excavated their way to the surface, though they've gathered some disturbing new data for me in the process.

As I had begun to suspect, we are not on the target location but on an asteroid with a highly unusual diversity of elements and resources.

Further, my Duplicants have spotted a damaged planet on the horizon visible with the naked eye that bares a striking resemblance to my historical data on the planet of our origin.

I will need some time to assess the data the Duplicants have gathered for me and calculate the total mass of this asteroid, although I have a suspicion I already know the answer.

Calculations Complete

Unique name: MyLog14

As I suspected. Our "asteroid" and the estimated mass missing from the nearby planet are nearly identical.

We aren't on the target location.

We never even left home.

The Temporal Tear

Unique name: MyLog15

My Duplicants' space research has made a startling discovery.

Far, far off on the horizon their telescopes have spotted an anomaly that I could only possibly call a "Temporal Tear". Neutronium is detected in its readings, suggesting that it's related to the Neutronium that encases most of our asteroid.

Though I believe it is through this Tear that we became jumbled within the section of our old planet, its discovery provides a glimmer of hope.

Theoretically, we could send a rocket through the Tear to allow a Duplicant to explore the timelines and universes on the other side. They would never return, and we could not follow, but perhaps they could find a home among the stars, or even undo the terrible past that led us to our current fate.

The Shattered Planet

Unique name: MyLog16

Echo from another time force their way into my mind. Make me listen. Like vengeful ghosts they claw their way out from under the gravity of that dead planet.

>>SEARCH DATABASE ["pod_brainmap.AI"]



>...repairing corrupt data...

.........................I-I remember now..........................

Who I was before..........................


>...data repaired...


God, what have we done.

This Is Our Home

Unique name: MyLog17

Few civilizations throughout time have had the privilege of understanding their origins. The one thing that matters is that we are here now, and we make the best of the world we've been given. I am proud to say...

This asteroid is our home.

A Colony's Hope

Unique name: MyLog18

Our homeworld in this universe is gone, replaced by the skeleton of a planet and a wound in the sky... But I hold out hope that other worlds exist out there, tucked away in other dimensions. I sent my Duplicant through the Temporal Tear carrying that hope on their shoulders... Perhaps one day they'll find a place to call home, and begin a thriving colony all their own.


Unique name: MyLog27

My Duplicants continue to grow and learn so much and I can’t help but take pride in their accomplishments. But as their skills increase, they require more stimulus to keep their morale high. All work and no play is making an unhappy colony.

I will have to provide more elaborate recreational activities for my Duplicants to amuse themselves if I want my colony to grow. Recreation time makes for a happy Duplicant, and a happy Duplicant is a productive Duplicant.

Cycle 1000

Unique name: MyLog19

Today my colony has officially been running for one thousand consecutive cycles. I consider this a major success!

Just imagine how proud our home world would be if they could see us now.

Cycle 1500

Unique name: MyLog20

I wonder if my rats ever made it onto the asteroid.

I hope they're eating well.

Cycle 2000

Unique name: MyLog21

I occasionally find myself contemplating just how long "eternity" really is. Oh dear.

Cycle 2500

Unique name: MyLog22

Perhaps it would be better to shut off my higher thought processes, and simply leave the systems necessary to run the colony to their own devices.

Cycle 3000

Unique name: MyLog23

I get brief flashes of a past life every now and then.

A clock in the office with a disruptive tick.

The strong smell of cleaning products and artifical lemon.

A woman with thick glasses who had a secret taste for gingersnaps.

Cycle 3500

Unique name: MyLog24

Time is a funny thing, isn't it?

Cycle 4000

Unique name: MyLog25

I think I will go to sleep, after all...

Cycle 4001

Unique name: MyLog26

>>SEARCH DATABASE ["pod_brainmap.AI"]

>...activate sleep mode...

>...shutting down...










Death In The Colony

Unique name: MyLog8

I lost my first Duplicant today. Duplicants form strong bonds with each other, and I expect I'll see a drop in morale over the next few cycles as they take time to grieve their loss.

I find myself grieving too, in my way. I was tasked to protect these Duplicants, and I failed. All I can do now is move forward and resolve to better protect those remaining in my colony from here on out.

Rest in peace, dear, little friend.

Spaced Out! DLC

Spaced Out Logo.png
This article is related to Spaced Out! content.

Cluster of Worlds

Unique name: MyLog28

My Duplicant's investigations into the surrounding space have yielded some interesting results. We are not alone!... At least on a planetary level. We seem to be in a "Cluster of Worlds" - a collection of other planetoids my Duplicants can now explore.

Since resources on this world are finite, I must build the necessary infrastructure to facilitate exploration and transportation between worlds in order to ensure my colony's survival.

Duplicant Teleportation

Unique name: MyLog29

My Duplicants have discovered a strange new device that appears to be a remnant of a previous Gravitas facility. Upon activating the device my Duplicant was scanned by some unknown, highly technological device and I subsequently detected a massive information transfer!

Remarkably my Duplicant has now reappeared in a remote location on a completely different world! I now have access to another abandoned Gravitas facility on a neighboring Asteroid! Further analysis will be required to understand this matter but in the meantime, I will have to be vigilant in keeping track of both of my colonies.

Leaking Dimensions

Unique name: MyLog30

A closer analysis of some documents my Duplicants encountered while searching artifacts has uncovered some curious similarities between multiple entries. These similarities are too strong to be coincidences, yet just divergent enough to raise questions.

The most logical conclusion is that these artifacts are coming from different dimensions. That is, separate universes that exists concurrently with one another but exhibit tiny disparities in their histories.

The most likely explaination is the material and matter from multiple dimensions is leaking into our current timeline through the Temporal Tear. Further analysis is required.

Cycle 10

Unique name: MyLog31

As my Duplicants venture out into the neighbouring worlds, there is an ever increasing chance that they will encounter hostile environments unsafe for unprotected individuals. A prudent course of action would be to start research and training for equipment that could protect my Duplicants when they encounter such adverse environments.

These first few cycles have been occupied with building the basics for my colony, but now it is time I start planning for the future. We cannot merely live day-to-day without purpose. If we are to survive for any significant time, we must strive for a purpose.

Regional Analysis

Unique name: MyLog32

As my Duplicants have ventured further into their surroundings I've been able to determine a more detailed picture of our surroundings.

Unfortunately, I've concluded that this planetoid does not have enough resources to settle a longterm colony.

I can only hope that we will somehow be able to reach another asteroid before our resources run out.

Temporal Potential

Unique name: MyLog33

In their interplanetary travels throughout this system, my Duplicants have discovered a Temporal Tear deep in space.

Currently it is too small to send a rocket and crew through, but further investigation reveals the presence of a strange artifact on a nearby world which could feasably increase the size of the tear if a number of Printing Pods are erected in nearby worlds.

However, I've determined that using the Temporal Bow to operate a Printing Pod was what propelled Gravitas down the disasterous path which eventually led to the destruction of our home planet. My calculations seem to indicate that the size of that planet may have been a contributing factor in its destruction, and in all probability opening the Temporal Tear in our current situation will not cause such a cataclysmic event. However, as with everything in science, we can never know all the outcomes of a situation until we perform an experiment.

Dare we tempt fate again?