Liquid Sulfur Geyser

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Spaced Out
This article is related to DLC content of Spaced Out.

Liquid Sulfur Geyser is a renewable source of Sulfur, albeit in liquid form.

While erupting, emission can be blocked by over-pressurization. The maximum pressure it will emit at is 50 kg. When Sulfur is emitted, it will heat up the surrounding area and freeze into its solid state.

Liquid Sulfur Geyser Taming

Liquid Sulfur Geysers can be kept in a Steam Room with a Steam Turbine on top, which will allow it to cool down to 125°C, which is still about 10°C above its freezing point. It can then be pumped into an actively cooled pool of water down to 50°C (palatable for Grubfruit Plants), the Thermo Aquatuner for which can be in the Geyser Room. To maximize the Sulfur Pool's heat transferance rate it's best to keep the pool of Sulfur as massive as possible without taking a second tile in height at 740kg/tile.
