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Decor is a measure of how beautiful a place is. It is affected by almost everything: Furniture, Wires, Plants, Critters and Duplicants, just to name a few.

What affects Decor?

Decor in a tile is influenced by many different items. Almost everything has a decor value (be it positive or negative) and a radius - the number of tiles its effect covers. For example, some plants, pieces of art, and the printing pod increase decor. Decor is decreased by things like dropped resources (debris), machines, wires, ladders, and storage bins. The Decor value in a tile is the sum of all the individual Decor values of items which include that tile in their Decor radius.

Window Tiles and Pneumatic Doors let Decor pass through them. This can be especially helpful if Artwork cannot be placed to increase Decor, for example in areas containing densely placed machines.

Mechanized Airlock and Manual Airlock do not allow Decor to pass through while closed, which can be used to block negative Decor areas while still allowing Duplicants to pass though when needed.

Materials and Decor

An item's decor value can be affected by the material it is built with. For example, Granite lists a value of +20% for Decor; this means the base Decor of whatever is built from Granite gets multiplied by 1.2. Negative Decor is also positively affected, with wires made of copper having 0.9 times the base Decor of the wire.

Materials with the highest Decor bonuses in each category
Material Category Material Decor Bonus Notes
Metal Ore Copper Ore +10%
Gold Amalgam Overheat Temperature +50°C
Thermally Reactive
Refined Metal Gold +50% Overheat Temperature +50°C
High Thermal Conductivity
Thermally Reactive
Raw Mineral Granite +20% Overheat Temperature +15°C
Ceramic Overheat Temperature +200°C
Transparent Diamond +100% Overheat Temperature +200°C
High Thermal Conductivity

In some cases, it may be better to choose a material with a lower or no Decor bonus. Diamond, for example, has a very high thermal conductivity, which may be undesirable, so Glass should better be used.

Other effects on decor

  • Lighting gives a +15 Decor bonus, independent of its brightness. Coupled with the "Lit Workspace" speed bonus, this makes light very useful in industrial areas.
  • Duplicant outfits by themselves have -5 Decor. This can be counteracted by giving them a Snazzy Suit, which gives +30 Decor, or upgrading one of these to Primo Garb with +40 Decor. Warm Coats, however, have -10 Decor penalty.
  • Some non-decorative Plants have a positive decor value, giving farms some decor without Furniture.
  • Critters have a positive decor value, some a very high one. Shine Bugs and their advanced morphs especially.

The Decor Overlay

By pressing F8, the Decor Overlay can be accessed, which displays decor values. Tiles with positive decor are tinted green and tiles with negative decor are tinted red. When tile moused over, Decor in that tile as well as a detailed report of everything contributing to Decor is displayed. Everything that contributes to Decor in that tile (potted Plants, for example), positively and negatively, gets a bright tint. If Decor in a tile reaches 120, "(Maximum Decor)" will be displayed behind that value and it won't increase. This refers to 120 being the maximum Decor Duplicants get a Morale bonus for (See "Decor Calculations"). However, Decor is not limited to 120 and can exceed that value by quite a lot if many decorative items are placed in an area.

Decor Calculations

Duplicants evaluate decor from their lower half. Every Duplicant has a Decor perception value (labelled just "Decor"; referred to as "Perceived Decor" in the following), which can be looked at in the "Status" tab under "Condition" when selecting a Duplicant. When hovering over it, three more stats can be seen: Current Environmental Decor (referred to as "Current Decor" in the following), Average Decor this Cycle and Average Decor last Cycle.

Perceived Decor is determined by the Current Decor. It will increase if the Current Decor value is higher than its value and decrease if it's lower. That means that sudden changes will not immediately result in a low Perceived Decor. Perceived Decor constantly affects Average Decor this Cycle. Like its name suggests, this is the average value of Decor the Duplicant has perceived the cycle. At the end of each cycle, when nighttime ends, the Average Decor this Cycle is reset to Current Decor and Average Decor last Cycle will be assigned the value Average Decor this Cycle was before. For example:

A Duplicant is sleeping in their bed when nighttime ends. Their Current Decor is 120 and, because they have been there for the whole night, as is their Perceived Decor. Their average Decor this Cycle is 60. As the next cycle starts, their Average Decor last Cycle is set to 60 and their Current Decor is reset to 120.

High Decor gives a Morale bonus. If a Duplicant's Average Decor last Cycle exceeds specific values, they will get additional Morale, up to +12 for a value of at least 120.

Morale Bonus and required Decor
Average Decor last Cycle Classification Morale Bonus
< 0 Poor +0
≥ 0 Mediocre +1
≥ 30 Average +3
≥ 60 Nice +6
≥ 90 Charming +9
≥ 120 Gorgeous +12

List of decor values

The following table contains each building and their impact on decor, as well as the decor range the object has. As of now, it is incomplete. Just to note some of the items below can be sculptured/painted by a duplicant that has a art skill, increasing the decor depending on the quality of the artwork. Items: Blank canvas (landscape and portrait included), Ice sculpture, large/regular sculpture, etc. Also, keep in mind that a duplicant that has the art fundamentales skill will produce crude artwork, aesthetic design mediocre, and masterworks, well masterworks.

List of objects decor parameters
Object Decor Range
Great Monument.png 48 10
Printing Pod.png Mini-Pod.png 30 6
Genius Ice Sculpture 25 10
Bliss Burst (Spaced Out).png Bluff Briar.png Buddy Bud.png Idylla Flower.png Jumping Joya.png
Mellow Mallow.png Mirth Leaf.png Sporechid.png Tranquil Toes.png
25 4
Genius Sculpture 24 5
Metal Block.png 20 8
Masterpiece Painting 20 6
Carpeted Tile.png 20 4
Disease Clinic.png Comfy Bed.png Metal Tile.png 15 3
Bristle Blossom.png 15 2
Sleet Wheat.png Dusk Cap.png Buried Muckroot.png Pincha Pepperplant.png Slickster.png 15 2
Lamp.png Ceiling Light.png 15 5
Hand Sanitizer.png Wash Basin.png Sink.png Hatch.png Refrigerator.png Shower.png Duplicant Checkpoint.png Ore Scrubber.png Space Heater.png 10 2
Puft.png Morb.png 10 1
Drywall.png 10 0
Sculpting Block.png 5 8
Blank Canvas.png 5 6
Incubator.png Ration Box.png Tile.png Plastic Tile.png Window Tile.png Bunker Tile.png Transit Tube.png 5 1
Deodorizer.png Steam Turbine.png Transit Tube Crossing.png Cot.png Electric Grill.png Farm Tile.png Gas Pipe.png Gas Bridge.png Gas Valve.png Ice-E Fan.png Insulated Gas Pipe.png Insulated Liquid Pipe.png Liquid Pipe.png Liquid Bridge.png Liquid Valve.png Manual Generator.png Massage Table.png Triage Cot.png Mess Table.png Pneumatic Door.png Bunker Door.png Switch.png Research Station.png Thermo Regulator.png Conductive Wire.png Power Shutoff.png 0 N/A
Debris -1 1
Fire Pole.png Hydroponic Farm.png Conductive Wire Bridge.png Wire.png Automation Wire.png Automation Wire Bridge.png Logic Gates Sensors Gas Filter.png Gas Shutoff.png Gas Valve.png Airflow Tile.png Insulated Tile.png Ladder.png Plastic Ladder.png Liquid Filter.png Liquid Shutoff.png Liquid Valve.png Mesh Tile.png Wire Bridge.png -5 1
Carbon Skimmer.png Oxygen Diffuser.png Rust Deoxidizer.png Sublimation Station.png Algae Terrarium.png Algae Distiller.png Electrolyzer.png Gas Pump.png Gas Vent.png High Pressure Gas Vent.png Lavatory.png Liquid Pump.png Liquid Vent.png Liquid Tepidizer.png Manual Airlock.png Mealwood.png Mechanized Airlock.png Mini Liquid Pump.png Mini Gas Pump.png Planter Box.png Storage Bin.png Smart Storage Bin.png Super Computer.png Battery.png Conveyor Loader.png Conveyor Receptacle.png Conveyor Loader.png Automatic Dispenser.png Transit Tube Access.png Oil Refinery.png Gas Reservoir.png Liquid Reservoir.png Power Transformer.png Large Power Transformer.png -10 2
Auto-Sweeper.png Critter Drop-Off.png Critter Feeder.png Critter Trap.png Critter Lure.png Fertilizer Synthesizer.png Rock Crusher.png Metal Refinery.png Jumbo Battery.png Smart Battery.png Coal Generator.png Hydrogen Generator.png Natural Gas Generator.png Petroleum Generator.png Microbe Musher.png Tasteful Memorial.png Water Sieve.png Solar Panel.png Wood Burner.png -15 3
Compost.png Heavi-Watt Conductive Wire.png -20 4
Outhouse.png -20 5
Heavi-Watt Wire.pngHeavi-Watt Conductive Joint Plate.png Heavi-Watt Joint Plate.png -25 6


  • Due to the negative Decor, it is a good idea to either space out machinery where possible so the decor penalty can be easily countered, make it out of beautiful materials or place something with a positive decor value around its vicinity to reduce the decor penalty.
  • Before placing Category:Artwork type Furniture, make sure to set the Priority chart to only allow Duplicants with the Masterworks Skill to use them and use whatever material gives the highest decor bonus (Granite, Gold Amalgam/Copper Ore, Gold) to get the most decor out of them. Duplicants with low Creativity skill will only be able to slowly create crude and mediocre paintings and "abstract" sculptures, while Masterworks Artists will always create masterpiece quality Art: "Masterpiece" paintings and "Genius" sculptures.
  • Because Duplicants evaluate decor from their bottom tile, drywall being used exclusively for decor should be placed directly above the floor.

See also