Wood Pile

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This article is related to The Frosty Planet Pack content.

On the starting asteroids added by The Frosty Planet Pack (Ceres and Ceres Minor), one Wood Pile filled with 20000kg Wood will be spawned by the Frosty Printing Pod.


Wood piles function exactly as an ordinary storage bin does, but cannot be marked as Sweep Only storage nor made to hold anything but Wood. As a storage bin can do exactly what the wood pile can do with one third the footprint, the Wood Pile does not serve well as a permanent storage location for wood. Instead, it exists primarily as an aesthetically pleasing means to give the player an initial supply of wood to aid in early-game survival, before more sustainable methods of gaining wood are available. No further Wood Piles can be built by the player, nor can the first be replaced if it is deconstructed.