Data Bank

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Data Banks are a special resource that are used to research advanced rocketry technologies.

Data banks are acquired on Space Missions by rockets with one or more Research Modules equipped.

Every space mission destination has five areas of research which award 50 Data Banks each upon completion. One research module can study one area per mission. Once a destination is fully studied each research module will produce only 10 Data Banks per trip.

Data Banks are consumed in the Virtual Planetarium at a 1:1 rate to produce Gamma tech.png Interstellar Research points.

Data Banks are made from Genetic Ooze and have a maximum stack size of 50 items per stack.

Spaced Out

In this DLC, the Virtual Planetarium consumes Data Banks to generate Gamma tech.png Data Analysis Research points.

They are primarily obtained via crafting them at the Orbital Data Collection Lab, consuming 5kg of Plastic per data bank.

They can also be obtained by studying Geysers, analyzing Artifacts, searching Crashed Satellites and inspectable Points of Interests.

Data Banks created at the Orbital Data Collection Lab will be made from Plastic, while those found by inspecting or analyzing POIs will be made from Genetic Ooze


  • The Label on a Data Bank floppy disc has the words "Fun Game" crossed out, and "Space Research" put below.