Element Emission

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Corium emitting Liquid Nuclear Waste that immediately solidifies.

Off-Gassing or Element Emission refers to the Game Mechanics of one element reducing its mass to produce another element. In most cases this is a gas therefore it's also often referred as Off-Gassing. The ingame Codex categorizes some elements as Sublimators, however this isn't an extensive list.

The Elements that exhibit this behavior will emit their respective Element if the surrounding Atmosphere is below 1.8kg in pressure. As a natural tile, they will check all 4 directions and only emit in the directions that are lower than 1.8kg pressure without favoring any direction, as long as that condition is fulfilled.

To bypass this 1.8kg pressure limit, because of the One element per cell rule, a debris can be submerged in a puddle of liquid of less than 1.8kg or natural tiles surrounded by puddles of liquids of less than 1.8kg, allowing elements to emit constantly, even if the pressure in the nearby cells are already way above 1.8kg. This can also happen unintentionally when, for example, a single tile of Carbon Dioxide from a Dupe breathing passes by.

Natural Tiles

Natural Tiles behavior is dependant on their own probability to emit their designated element every tick (0.2 seconds) Emission Rates in the table below are given in one direction. With the exception of Polluted Water, which can only emit to the top, Natural Tiles will calculate their emission in all 4 directions, effectively multiplying their emission by a factor of 4.
Note that Polluted Mud would need to rest on an Airflow Tile to emit to the bottom, since it's subject to gravity.

Element Mass lost Emission Amount emitted Probability Real Rate
OxyliteOxylite 80 g OxygenOxygen 50% (40 g) 100% 200 g/s
CoriumCorium Spaced Out! 80 g Nuclear WasteNuclear Waste 50% (40 g) 100% 200 g/s
Polluted DirtPolluted Dirt*
Polluted MudPolluted Mud Spaced Out!
20g Polluted OxygenPolluted Oxygen 20% (4 g) ~6.25%** ~1.25 g/s
Polluted WaterPolluted Water 0.1% of mass Polluted OxygenPolluted Oxygen same as mass lost 1% 50 g/s

* While Polluted Dirt is a Element in the Vanilla Version of the game, it only ever appears as a Natural Tile in Spaced Out!.
** Both Polluted Mud and Dirt have their probability stated the game files as sublimateProbability: 0.05. However, the true/measured probability does not align with it.


The rules for debris are rather difficult to test and find the proper equations for, and are very close approximations (to less than half a percent in deviation) to the true/measured behavior while not being too complicated to always follow factor1massfactor2 in g/s, with mass is given in kg.

Element Emission Amount emitted Interval Real Rate in g/s Rate for 1000kg Rate for 20kg
OxyliteOxylite OxygenOxygen 9.5mass0.705 in g every second 9.5mass0.705 1256 g/s 79.01 g/s
Polluted DirtPolluted Dirt Polluted OxygenPolluted Oxygen 50g every 2500mass0.5 seconds 0.02mass0.5 0.63 g/s 0.089 g/s
SlimeSlime Polluted OxygenPolluted Oxygen* 125g every 4.8 seconds constant 26.042 g/s
Polluted WaterPolluted Water Polluted OxygenPolluted Oxygen varying more frequent with higher mass
up to every second tick
0.04mass1 40 g/s 0.8 g/s
Bleach StoneBleach Stone ChlorineChlorine 0.2mass0.5 6.325g/s 0.894g/s

* Not just for Slimelung with Slime, but any emitted elements, regardless of type and source, are always covered with germs proportional to the remaining material.


  • Mined Oxylite debris emits the same amount of Oxygen as it would have as a natural tile.
  • Since Slime emission rate doesn't depend on its mass, loading it on Conveyor Rail, which separates it into 20kg chunks, lets it emit Polluted Oxygen much faster than leaving it in large debris chunks.
  • Bottled Polluted Waters emission rate is linearly dependent on its mass and will not give diminishing returns. Therefore it's easy to make it emit much faster, since bottles are not limited per cell, this is useful for mass production of Clay from Deodorizer for the further production of Ceramics.
  • Transporting Bleach Stone is an easy way to create a Chlorine atmosphere for disinfection.


  • Polluted Mud and Corium only emits as a natural tile, not in debris form.
  • Bleach Stone and Slime only emit as debris, not in natural tile form.
  • Corium emitting Nuclear Waste plays the animation clean Air bubbles like Oxylite emitting Oxygen.