Carbon Dioxide

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Carbon Dioxide
(CO2) Carbon Dioxide is an atomically heavy chemical compound in a Gaseous state. It tends to sink below other gases.
Carbon Dioxide.png
Chemical Symbol
at -48.15 °C / -54.67 °F condenses into
Liquid Carbon Dioxide.pngLiquid Carbon Dioxide Carbon Dioxide.png Solid Carbon Dioxide.png (SHC: 0.846)
0.846 DTUgC / 0.47 DTUgF
0.0146 DTUmsC / 0.01 DTUmsF
Light Absorption Factor
Radiation Absorption Factor
Molar Mass
44.01 gmol

Carbon Dioxide is a common gas resource. It is exhaled by Duplicants and occurs naturally in almost all Biomes. It is heavier than most other gases and will sink to the lowest elevation if lighter gases are present.


  • Carbon Dioxide is considered sterile and in large concentrations will prevent food rot if the food is also kept frozen. Due to ease of handling (tendency to pool in pits) and acquisition (funnel-shaped bases will have a large pool of it at the bottom), it is easily harvested for food storage solutions.
  • Dusk Caps and Oxyferns require Carbon Dioxide atmosphere to grow.
  • Beeta will consume 100 g / s of Carbon Dioxide. This causes them to fall asleep, preventing them from stinging Duplicants. A sleeping Beeta produces 1416 rads/cycle of radiation.


  • Duplicants breathe out 2 g/s of Carbon Dioxide, or 1.2 kg/cycle.
  • Polymer Presses produce Carbon Dioxide at rate of 8.33 g/s, or 5 kg/cycle.
  • Gas Range: 25 g/s, or 15 kg/cycle.
  • Ethanol Distillers: 166.67 g/s, or 100 kg/cycle.
  • Carbon-burning generators output Carbon Dioxide as a by-product:
Power / CO2 Mass
Coal Generator 20.0 12.0 30.00
Natural Gas Generator 22.5 13.5 35.56
Wood Burner 170.0 102.0 1.76
Petroleum Generator 500.0 300.0 4.00
  • There are two types of Geysers that produce Carbon Dioxide with varying rates:
    • Carbon Dioxide Vents, which produce ~100 g/s at 500 °C, which is too hot even for Slicksters.
    • Liquid Carbon Dioxide Geysers, which produce ~150 g/s at -55 °C, those are more immediately usable and can be passed along industrial sections to cool them down.
  • Rocket's Petroleum Engines and Solid Fuel Thrusters exhausts superheated Carbon Dioxide.
  • Meteor Showers bring some Carbon Dioxide with them.
  • This content was added in Spaced Out It can be harvested on rocket missions to renewable Space POIs:
    • In Forested Ore Fields at a rate of 108 – 324 kg per cycle.
    • In Radioactive Gas Clouds at a rate of 31.8 – 127.2 kg per cycle.
    • In Glimmering Asteroid Fields at a rate of 30 – 90 kg per cycle.
    • 5 other types of POIs also produce Solid Carbon Dioxide.pngSolid Carbon Dioxide Liquid Carbon Dioxide.png.


  • If cooled below condensation temperature, it can safely be stored away as a liquid or solid.
  • Despite creating a sterile environment, Carbon Dioxide does not prevent Compost from working and is perfectly safe for plants. The tendency to pool at the bottom can help to ensure adequate air pressure.
  • In early game, to prevent CO2 buildups, many players build 'Carbon pits', where they pool carbon dioxide until they are able to get rid of it with Carbon Skimmers, compress it, vent it into space or otherwise deal with it..