Frost Burger

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Frost Burger is a food item made in the Gas Range with 1 kg of (1200kcal) Frost Bun, (400kcal) Lettuce, and (4000kcal) Barbeque each. It has a Food Quality of Ambrosial (+6).

Frost Burger has the highest food quality in the game and unique Soul Food effect, which grants -15% stress relief and -2 Athletics for 2 cycles.

Cooking and serving Frost Burgers is an overkill most of the time, because only dupes with Gourmet trait will gain additional morale bonus and lengthy Athletics penalty does not help either. However, feeding burgers to especially stressed dupes might help soothe them.

For long-time storage it can be kept in sterile environment while being deep-frozen or be dehydrated.
