Food Quality

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Food Quality, simply referred to as Quality in game, is a measure of how tasty a Food item is and how much it affects Morale.

Quality Items Morale Impact
No Trait No Taste Gourmet
Grisly (-1) Nutrient Bar Mush Bar Meal Lice Muckroot Hexalent Fruit Meat Pickled Meal

This content was added in Spaced Out : Swamp Chard Heart

This content was added in The Frosty Planet Pack : Sherberry Pikeapple

-1 0 -1
Terrible (0) Mushroom Lettuce Bristle Berry Liceloaf Mush Fry

This content was added in Spaced Out : Bog Jelly Spindly Grubfruit

This content was added in The Frosty Planet Pack : Plume Squash

0 +1
Poor (+1) Gristle Berry Fried Mushroom

This content was added in Spaced Out : Swampy Delights Grubfruit Roast Grubfruit Nut

This content was added in The Frosty Planet Pack : Pikeapple Skewer

+1 +4 0
Standard (+2) Pacu Fillet Frost Bun Omelette Tofu

This content was added in The Frosty Planet Pack : Pemmican

+4 +8 +1
Good (+3) Cooked Seafood BarbequeBerry SludgeSoufflé Pancakes

This content was added in Spaced Out : Grubfruit Preserve

This content was added in The Frosty Planet Pack : Squash FriesNosh Noms

+8 +12 +4
Great (+4) Stuffed Berry Surf'n'Turf Mushroom Wrap Curried Beans

This content was added in The Frosty Planet Pack : Fish Taco Shellfish Tempura

+12 +16 +8
Superb (+5) Pepper BreadSpicy TofuMushroom Quiche

This content was added in Spaced Out : Mixed Berry Pie

+16 +12
Ambrosial (+6) Frost Burger +16


Food Quality ranges between -1 and 6. Currently, normal Duplicants have a Perception of 0. The highest quality food will result in +16 Morale, the lowest in a -1 penalty. Dupes with the No Taste or Gourmet Trait will perceive Food of the same quality one level better or worse, respectively.

A Duplicant's eating speed is 30,000 kcal/cycle, so eating 1,000 kcal takes 1/30 of a cycle (20 seconds). Duplicants start eating in their downtime when below 3300 kcal or during work if they are below 1000 kcal and starving.

What Duplicants eat can be controlled by the Consumables window.


  • The more premium food in the colony should be saved for Duplicants with higher Morale expectations.