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Gyms are part of a colony in which Duplicants can level up their Category:Attributes Points.


Gyms are often closed off sections of the base where training Duplicant are not allowed to leave, only have one possible reoccurring errand to run with a dedicated Barracks, Latrine and Mess Hall, where their Food gets delivered either by automation or by other Duplicants.

Duplicants should first be given any possible Research Skills they can afford with their Skill Points (freshly printed Duplicants always start out with one), since Science increases the speed at which Attribute Points are gained. Afterwards, they can be skill scrubbed.

Attribute points are gained based on how long a Duplicant works on a task, not by how difficult it is. Therefore, for tasks that are not easily made reoccurring, the Duplicant can be intentionally debuffed with disease. This slows down their work speed, but effectively increases the amount of attribute points they gain for a single task, after all, they have to work longer on them.

Athletics and Machinery

Athletics and Machinery are both gained by operating a Manual Generator. By hooking up a single power user without a battery (usually a Ceiling Light overhead), this power user will be in constant need of power, and therefore have an infinite errand.