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A typical Duplicant's Health is 100/100. When a duplicant's health falls below 85/100 they gain the Light Wounds status effect that directly affects a duplicant's Athletics attribute by -3. This essentially reduces a duplicant's default run-speed, causing them to run ever slower as they lose more health.

If a duplicant's Health then falls below 66/100 they will gain the Moderate Wounds effect, giving them a -6 Athletics debuff.

Additionally if Health falls below 33/100 they will gain the Severe Wounds effect, giving them a -9 Athletics debuff.

When a duplicant has their Health reduced to 0/100 they immediately become Incapacitated and begin dying, if they aren't rescued within 120 seconds (2 minutes) the duplicant will permanently die and then possibly need a Tasteful Memorial.

After a duplicant gets assigned and moved to a Triage Cot they can receive medical treatment that helps a duplicant recover their Health faster which lessens the Wounds status as their Health climbs above the relevant thresholds.

Health status effects

Name Health Description Skill Effect Miscellaneous Effects
Injuries: Minor 85 - 99 This Duplicant has a few scrapes and bruises None
Light Wounds 66 - 84 This Duplicant sustained injuries that are a bit uncomfortable -3 Athletics
Moderate Wounds 33 - 65 This Duplicant sustained injuries that are affecting their ability to work -6 Athletics
Severe Wounds 1 - 32 This Duplicant sustained serious injuries that are impacting their work and well-being -9 Athletics
Incapacitated: Slain 0/100 This duplicant will die unless rescued within 120s Incapacitated and Dying unless rescued
Triage Cot Rest 0 - 99 Bedrest is improving this Duplicant's physical recovery time Health: +50/cycle
Stress: -10%/cycle
Breath: +1%/s
Receiving treatment 0 - 99 This Duplicant is receiving treatment for their physical injuries Health: +75/cycle
Stress: -20%/cycle
Breath: +1%/s
Abe was injured during the creation of this Article... FOR SCIENCE! ~Get well soon Abe!

To save a duplicant who is dying be sure you have a free Triage Cot and that at least 1 duplicant has Medical prioritized in order to add an errand to save the dying duplicant. You can also put the Triage Cot to Priority 9 to help give the errand higher urgency.

While assigned to a Triage Cot a duplicant will restore health at a base rate of 50 Health per cycle, but if another duplicant provides Medical care the Cot ridden duplicant will gain the Receiving treatment buff, which ups their recovery rate by 25 for 0.5 of a cycle.

Once the duplicant is placed in a Triage Cot they can actually walk around, catch their breath, eat etc. even with 0/100 Health. The Wounds status is even missing temporarily until they get back onto the Triage Cot.