Tasteful Memorial

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Tasteful Memorial is used to bury dead Duplicants. Living Duplicants will automatically place an unburied corpse inside.


  • Burying a dead Duplicant will not remove the Mourning effect.
  • Filled Memorials can be optionally deconstructed, the body will not be recovered.


  • Ashes to ashes, stardust to stardust.
  • Free from the clutches of time.
  • "Go on without me."
  • Gone, but not forgotten.
  • May they know peace.
  • Never another like them. Until we print another like them.
  • Take all their stuff. It's what they would have wanted.
  • Thank goodness. They were starting to smell.
  • They died doing what they loved.
  • To dig, to mush, no more.
  • Where one adventure ends, another begins.
  • long forgotten, in the clutches of time...


  • U51-594211: Tasteful Memorial now displays a portrait of the Duplicant buried there. Only applies for buried Duplicants going forward.