Neural Vacillator

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Neural Vacillator is a mysterious machine found in Ruins. It can give a single Duplicant a new trait.


When assigned to a Duplicant, the Neural Vacillator process shuffles their genome and randomly rewards them with one of four positive traits. The device depletes after a single use, but can be recharged for another use with a Vacillator Recharge, which rarely can be retrieved on Space Missions in base game, or by analyzing Artifacts in Spaced Out! DLC.

Duplicants that already have a trait can still acquire the others by using Neural Vacillator again and Neural Vacillator will not lose its charge if the dupe already has all four traits.

Name Description Effects
Beefsteak This Duplicant’s got muscles on their muscles! +10 Strength
Deep Diver's Lungs This Duplicant has a frankly impressive ability to hold their breath. -50 g/s Oxygen consumption rate
-1 g/s Carbon Dioxide production rate
Regenerative This robust Duplicant is constantly regenerating health. +20 Health regeneration per cycle
Sunny Disposition This Duplicant has an unwaveringly positive outlook on life. -20% Stress per cycle


  • All four traits are incredibly useful for a rocket pilot. Sunny Disposition mitigates the high stress that can come from a rocket that provides low morale, Regenerative allows them to shrug of damage from hot rocket exhaust and dangerous new planetoids, Deep Diver's Lungs allows life support to last longer, and Beefsteak can specialize pilots to do hauling and cleaning errands so the colony doesn't lose a core member during trips. With rockets being the only renewable source of vacillator recharges, prioritizing pilots can both make it easier to retrieve more recharges in the future, and help to reach renewable resources before their limited supply in the main colony starts to run out.
