Radiation Sickness

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Radiation Sickness is a disease caused by prolonged exposure to Radiation or Radioactive Contaminant, and comes in two stages.

Severity Rad threshold Effect Description
Minor Radiation Sickness 100 Rads
  • -20% Stamina/cycle
  • -30% Bathroom use speed
Previous small-scale Radiation exposure is making this Duplicant slightly tired.
Major Radiation Sickness 300 Rads
  • - 4 Athletics
  • -50% Stamina/cycle
  • -30% Bathroom use speed
  • Duplicant will vomit
Previous large-scale Radiation exposure is making this Duplicant very tired.
Extreme Radiation Sickness 600 Rads
  • - 6 Athletics
  • -75% Stamina/cycle
  • -30% Bathroom use speed
  • Duplicant will vomit
Extreme Radiation exposure is hurting this Duplicant
900 Rads The Dupe will fall incapacitated and is in need of rescue

A Duplicant suffering from major or extreme Radiation sickness will not go to minor or major Radiation Sickness if they fall under 300 absorbed Rads, but either severity of Radiation Sickness gets healed once the Absorbed Rad Dose in a Duplicant sinks below 100 rads.

See also