Atmo Suit

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Atmo Suit (also known as Exosuit) is produced in the Exosuit Forge, and is a type of suit. It supplies Oxygen to the wearer, protects them from hostile environments, and gives a penalty to Athletics.

Hazard Protection

Wearing an Atmo Suit will keep out Germs and Liquids, preventing the Soggy Feet and Sopping Wet debuffs. It will also provide the wearer with a supply of Oxygen, allowing the dupe to work in non-Oxygen environments without any effect. The oxygen supply can be refilled inside a powered Atmo Suit Dock.

Atmo Suits still may overheat in high temperatures and bother the wearer with Toasty Surrounding, such as when submerged in Crude Oil above 105 °C for a while, but health-damaging scalding effects will only happen in extremely hot environments, such as when submerged in Magma. Scalding effects will start at 1071.85°C while duplicants can survive temperature of 71.85°C without suit.


Wearing an Atmo Suit gives an Athletics penalty of -6 (reduced to 0 if the dupe has the Exosuit Training skill).

Atmo Suits lose durability at a rate of 10% per cycle while a dupe is wearing it, and will become worn after reaching 0%. Worn Atmo Suits can be repaired at an Exosuit Forge at the cost of 1 reed fiber.

Duplicants produce Carbon Dioxide while wearing Atmo Suits, which is kept inside the Suit and ejected at the Dock Cell of Interest when the Dupe gets it off. This Carbon Dioxide often gets partly deleted, which can throw balance off for systems relying on Oxyferns or Carbon Skimmers. Duplicants who "make a mess", or Flatulent duplicants who fart while wearing an Atmo Suit will store their Polluted Water or Natural Gas in the suit, which will later be emitted into the environment when taking the suit off.


  • Atmo Suit durability loss is not enabled by default in the base game, but can be found in the world generation settings.
  • You can find out how much oxygen remains in the suit a dupe is wearing by hovering over the Atmo Suit item at the bottom of the dupe's Bio tab.
  • A full Atmo Suit stores 75 kg of Oxygen, enough for a dupe to breathe for up to 750 seconds (1.25 cycles).
  • Like all clothing, a suit can be manually assigned to specific Duplicants. However, if the suit's oxygen supply runs out, they will begin to suffocate.
  • If a dupe gains the Exosuit Training skill while wearing an Atmo Suit the Athletics penalty reduction is not applied before the suit is removed and reapplied.
  • Suit Sustainability claims to slow durability damage, but the skill has no effect.


  • Dupes can still eat, shower, and use the lavatory while wearing an Atmo Suit.[1]
  • A dupe wearing an empty Atmo Suit in breathable atmosphere will alternate between holding their breath and gasping for air. While this does interrupt them constantly, they consume no oxygen while doing so.
  • Atmo Suits don't actually break when they hit 0% durability. The duplicant can continue working and when they return to the dock then the Worn Atmo Suit drops along with the oxygen that was contained in it as a bottle.

Version History

  • LU-356355: Atmosuits can now be made out of more metals (Copper, Aluminum, or Iron) -- but it must be refined (as suits their tech level).
  • U39-490154: Suit durability mechanics will be available in the base game (off by default), which add some upkeep costs for suits so they aren't so overpowered.