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U39-490154 is an update for Oxygen Not Included released on December 14, 2021. Official Release Notes

Update Information

Hi everyone,

This small hotfix includes a handful of crash fixes we wanted to get in before Spaced Out! launches. The full list is below. You can continue to report bugs here.

Changes and Improvements

  • Spaced Out! only
    • Added sound for Telescope building.
    • Updated Chinese localization.


  • All Versions
    • Added fix for crash that could occur when deconstructing an entombed gas/liquid/solid filter building.
    • Fixed issue causing Jet Suits to be delivered to Atmosuit Docks.
  • Spaced Out! only
    • Fixed crash which could sometimes occur when destroying a rocket interior.
    • Fixed crash sending a rocket with a Drillcone into the Temporal Tear.
    • Fixed issue preventing Beeta Hives from being prioritizable.
    • Fixed crash relating to Radiation diagnostics.
    • Fixed issue causing Lead Suits to be delivered to Atmosuit Docks.
    • Fixed crash that could occur when deploying a Trailblazer Lander.

You can join in the Discussion Topic here.
If you run into a bug, please visit the Klei Bug Tracker.

See Also