Carbon Dioxide Geyser

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Carbon Dioxide Geyser is a renewable source of Carbon Dioxide, albeit in liquid form, which can be found in Caustic and Swamp Biomes. It is not guaranteed to spawn.

While erupting, emission can be blocked by over-pressurization. The maximum pressure it will emit at is 50 kg. When Carbon Dioxide is emitted, it will quickly absorb heat from the surrounding environment and evaporate into its gaseous form if not pumped away.


  • The liquid Carbon Dioxide can be used to cool down an area of your base. It has a relatively high Thermal Conductivity (more than twice that of water). However, due to its limited specific heat capacity, the cooling capacity of a liquid Carbon Dioxide cooling system is limited. Additionally, because of its low boiling point, it can easily burst pipes if not managed properly.
  • Make sure to keep an eye out on your gas pressure. The geyser can easily overpressurise areas of your base with carbon dioxide.