Thermal Conductivity

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Thermal Conductivity is the property of a material that determines how quickly it heats or cools as it comes into contact with objects of different temperatures. Although the game states that between two objects, the lowest thermal conductivity is used, this is not true for all cases.


The calculation of Heat Transfer q in DTU is mainly a product of:

  • ΔT the Temperature difference in °C
  • Δt the passing time, which is always one tick, 0.2s
  • k the applicable thermal conductivity in DTU/(ms°C)
    • klowest is the lower of the two
    • kgeom is the geometric mean of the two: k1k2
    • kavg the arithmetic average of the two: 0.5(k1+k2)
    • kmult the two multiplied together: 0.5k1k2

For heat transfer with buildings, there is an additional factor:

  • Chot the thermal mass per area of the hotter object: mc[15]if buildingA where m is mass, c is specific heat capacity (SHC), A is the area of the building/cell (1 for cells), and divide by 5 if the hotter object is a building.
Equations [1]
Scenario Formula
Cell ↔ adjacent Cell
Solid ↔ Solid q=ΔTΔtkgeom1000
Solid ↔ Liquid
Gas ↔ Liquid
Gas ↔ Gas
Solid ↔ Gas q=ΔTΔtkgeom100025
Liquid ↔ Liquid q=ΔTΔtkgeom1000625
Entity lying on a Solid q=ΔTΔtklowest62.5
Building ↔ Solid tile below it N/A
pipe ↔ adjacent pipe N/A
Inside a Cell
Entity ↔ Cell q=ΔTΔtklowest1000
Building ↔ Cell q=ΔTΔtkmultChot
Building ↔ Building N/A
Building ↔ Conduction Panel Use Building ↔ Cell but treat panel as a 100 kg cell and divide result by 11
Building ↔ Entity N/A
Building's Contents
pipe ↔ pipe contents q=ΔTΔtkavg50
Insulated pipe ↔ contents q=ΔTΔtklowest50
pipe contents ↔ conduction panel q=ΔTkavg50 (as the packet teleports across the panel)
Cell ↔ pipe contents N/A: transfers through the pipe instead
pipe bridge ↔ bridge contents N/A: bridges teleport elements, NO contents
Building ↔ building contents N/A
Building's Cell of Interest ↔ building contents see Cell↔Entity

Thermal Element Categories
Category Examples
Cell Gas, Liquid, Solid Block, Tiles, closed Doors, Joint Plate (middle), Tube Crossing (middle), etc
Entity Dupes, Creatures, Plants, Debris, Mesh Tile, Airflow Tile, etc
Building pipes, bridges, background buildings, geysers, generators, open Doors, Pneumatic doors (open/closed), etc
Pipe Liquid Pipe, Gas Pipe, Conveyor Rail, Wires (all kinds), Automation Wire, and Automation Ribbons
Bridge Liquid, Gas, Conveyor Wire, Automation, and Automation Ribbons
Contents Building Production Storage (Input/Output), Reservoirs, Fridges, Compactors, etc
Special Tempshift Plate, Conduction panel, Refrigerator, Compost

Certain buildings apply a modifier to their material thermal conductivity:

  • Insulated Tiles: divide by (2255)2 (not correctly reflected under Properties)
  • Insulated Liquid Pipe and Insulated Gas Pipe: divide by 32
  • Wires of any kind: divide by 20 (this may be a legacy of a ditched feature making wires truly overheat)
  • Radiant Pipes, Radiant Gas Pipes and Conduction Panel: multiply by 2

a Tempshift Plate conducts as a building, and also conducts to all Cells in a 3x3 (centered on it)

a Conduction Panel is a (long) pipe

  • conducts as a building in its cells
  • specially conducts building ↔ building in its MIDDLE tile
  • conducts any elements passing through it via pipe ↔ pipe contents

Entities act as if they only take up one tile of space, even if they appear to take up more than that. For example, Duplicants and upwards growing Plants exchange heat only at their bottom tile.

A building's contents act like they are in the building's Cell of Interest, and exchange heat through the Cell↔Entity Equation.

  • Powered Refrigerator, or Compost act as a normal building. BUT the contents will only interact with an imagined 277.15K (fridge) or 348.15K (compost) source at a locked conductivity of 1000 regardless of their material.

Bridges act as a long building, conducting along its length.

  • You can stack multiple bridges to increase heat transfer along the cells
  • You can use bridges to help stabilize a Guide/Liquid Airlock from evaporation or sublimation.

Heavi-Watt Joint Plates, Heavi-Watt Conductive Joint Plates, & Transit Tube Crossings act as a cell, the connection points on the sides are cosmetic (for thermal conductivity). Radbolt Joint Plates This content was added in Spaced Out acts as both a cell and a building, but the building does not conduct heat. Fish Feeders and Fish Releases conduct heat properly both as a cell and as a building.

Manual Airlocks and Mechanized Airlocks behave exactly like two equal mass tiles adding up to the weight of the door (so, for example, a Steel Mechanized Airlock behaves exactly like two tiles of 200 kg Steel). The displayed temperature is that of the Tile Of Interest but the other tile can and will likely have a different temperature. There is no heat transfer between the two tiles as a Building ↔ Cell, only heat transfer as a Cell ↔ Cell. Opening the door equalizes the temperature instantly. Closing the door causes temperature duplication.[2]

Insulated Tiles reduce the thermal conductivity of their building material by (2/255)² (or 16 256) instead of 100 as stated in the game. It also uses klowestinstead of kgeomfor the purpose of cell to cell conductivity, which is mostly going to be the insulated tile conductivity. Solid to gas multiplier still applies.

Recap of Cell to Cell multipliers
Gas Liquid Solid
Gas 1 1 25
Liquid 1 625 1
Solid 25 1 1

Because of the Gas to Solid x25 multiplier, it's recommended to add a double tiles layer or a thin liquid layer when trying to insulate two rooms, to instead get a x1 multiplier.

Limits of Heat Transfer

Lower Limits

Heat Transfer will not occur if:

  • the temperature difference is less than 1 °C
  • the calculated thermal flow is less than 0.1 DTU
  • either of the masses is less than 1g

Upper limits

Heat Transfer between cells has the following cap:

  • If the calculated heat transfer would result in a temperature jump of more than a fourth of their temperature difference (T1T2)/4 in either material.

    qmax 1a=T1T24m1c1orqmax 1b=T1T24m2c2

    Simply said: if the temperature difference is 40 °C, a materials temperature can change at most 10 °C per tick

Building Limits

Heat transfer between a building and a cell has different limits, the lower limits which are applied to cells do not apply to buildings, but the upper limit is conceptually similar.

A building exchanges heat with all cells it covers simultaneously. In order to ensure that thermodynamics will not be violated the game limits heat transfer per cell such that at most the final temperature of the building would be the equilibrium temperature, assuming that the building completely covers such cells:


The maximum permitted heat transfer per cell is the difference between the building's temperature and the equilibrium temperature divided by the Area of the building.


If the thermal mass of the cell is very large relative to the building, then the maximum temperature change can be approximated as simply ΔTA

Floating Point Calculation Limits

While the above limits are deliberately implemented, it is also possible for heat exchange to fail to happen due to limitations of the floating point calculations used to calculate temperature changes.

Internally ONI uses 32 bit floating point numbers to represent temperatures, and due to the limited precision of floating point numbers it is possible for the result of a floating point calculation to be the same number. For example with 32 bit floats, the calculation: 300.0 + 0.00001 = 300.0

The game has a rule that if either tile fails to change temperature, then no heat exchange is allowed to take place. This prevents an exploit where a large tile, especially an unnaturally large tile, infinitely dumps heat/cooling into a smaller tile without itself changing temperature.

Floating Point Calculation Limits In Insulated Tiles

In real games, the floating point limit comes up all the time when the temperature difference between an Insulated Tile and a solid or liquid tile is relatively small. For example an Igneous Rock.pngIgneous Rock Magma.png Insulated Tile which is itself at 20°C, will not exchange heat with a solid or liquid tile unless the temperature delta is at least 248.05°C, and won't exchange heat with a gas tile unless the temperature delta is at least 9.92°C. This makes it quite easy to achieve actually zero heat transfer without resorting to the Insulite.pngInsulite Molten Tungsten.png Sour Gas.png material or Vacuum.pngVacuum Vacuum.png. The exact formulas governing this are: ΔTignorable=2log2(T)24 and qmax=ΔTignorablemSHC, where T, m, and SHC are for the cell holding everything constant, and qmax is the heat-exchange formula relevant between the two cells, which can be reversed to find ΔTmax.

It is also readily observed with liquid tiles, Magma.pngMagma Rock Gas.png Igneous Rock.png and Water.pngWater Steam.png Ice.png can have immense thermal mass which means relatively large DTU inputs are required to cause a temperature change. This results in the paradoxical outcome where full magma tiles don't exchange heat with insulated tiles, but partial magma tiles can exchange heat if they are sufficiently low mass. Using the above formula but applied to the Magma tile instead of the insulated tile, we can see that a cell with 715.6 kg or more magma will be unable to exchange temperature with an Igneous Rock.pngIgneous Rock Magma.png Insulated Tile at 0°C or higher, regardless of the magma temperature. For Mafic Rock.pngMafic Rock Magma.png, which has half the conductivity, only 357.8 kg of magma are needed.

Suffice to say that while floating point imprecision sometimes causes heat exchange to not happen at all, when temperature changes are small it also causes the actual temperature change to deviate quite significantly from what higher precision calculations would suggest.

Thermal descriptors

There are 4 thermal descriptors in the game, and they get attached to elements when their thermal characteristic reach a certain threshold. These descriptor does not affect the element any further.

  • Thermally Reactive: Elements have a specific Heat Capacity of less than or equal to 0.2
  • Slow heating: Elements have a specific Heat Capacity of greater than or equal to 1.0
  • Insulator: Elements have a thermal conductivity of less than or equal to 1.0
  • High Thermal Conductivity: Elements have a thermal conductivity of greater than or equal to 10.0

Pipes list

Liquid Pipes

Liquid Pipes
Pipe Material Thermal Conductivity
Insulated Liquid PipeInsulated Liquid Pipe Insulite.pngInsulite Molten Tungsten.png Sour Gas.png 0.0000003125
Liquid PipeLiquid Pipe Insulite.pngInsulite Molten Tungsten.png Sour Gas.png 0.00001
Insulated Liquid PipeInsulated Liquid Pipe Ceramic.pngCeramic Magma.png 0.019375
Insulated Liquid PipeInsulated Liquid Pipe Obsidian.pngObsidian Magma.png 0.0625
Insulated Liquid PipeInsulated Liquid Pipe Igneous Rock.pngIgneous Rock Magma.png 0.0625
Insulated Liquid PipeInsulated Liquid Pipe Sedimentary Rock.pngSedimentary Rock Magma.png 0.0625
Insulated Liquid PipeInsulated Liquid Pipe Sandstone.pngSandstone Magma.png 0.090625
Insulated Liquid PipeInsulated Liquid Pipe Granite.pngGranite Magma.png 0.1059375
Insulated Liquid PipeInsulated Liquid Pipe Wolframite.pngWolframite Molten Tungsten.png 0.46875
Insulated Liquid PipeInsulated Liquid Pipe Tungsten.pngTungsten Molten Tungsten.png 0.46875
Liquid PipeLiquid Pipe Ceramic.pngCeramic Magma.png 0.62
Liquid PipeLiquid Pipe Obsidian.pngObsidian Magma.png 2
Liquid PipeLiquid Pipe Igneous Rock.pngIgneous Rock Magma.png 2
Liquid PipeLiquid Pipe Sedimentary Rock.pngSedimentary Rock Magma.png 2
Liquid PipeLiquid Pipe Sandstone.pngSandstone Magma.png 2.9
Liquid PipeLiquid Pipe Granite.pngGranite Magma.png 3.39
Insulated Liquid PipeInsulated Liquid Pipe Thermium.pngThermium Molten Niobium.png Tungsten.png 6.875
Liquid PipeLiquid Pipe Wolframite.pngWolframite Molten Tungsten.png 15
Liquid PipeLiquid Pipe Tungsten.pngTungsten Molten Tungsten.png 60
Radiant Liquid PipeRadiant Liquid Pipe Lead.pngLead Molten Lead.png 70
Radiant Liquid PipeRadiant Liquid Pipe Niobium.pngNiobium Molten Niobium.png 108
Radiant Liquid PipeRadiant Liquid Pipe Steel.pngSteel Molten Steel.png 108
Radiant Liquid PipeRadiant Liquid Pipe Iron.pngIron Molten Iron.png 110
Radiant Liquid PipeRadiant Liquid Pipe Copper.pngCopper Molten Copper.png 120
Radiant Liquid PipeRadiant Liquid Pipe Tungsten.pngTungsten Molten Tungsten.png 120
Radiant Liquid PipeRadiant Liquid Pipe Gold.pngGold Molten Gold.png 120
Radiant Liquid PipeRadiant Liquid Pipe Cobalt (Spaced Out).pngCobalt Molten Cobalt.png This content was added in Spaced Out 200
Liquid PipeLiquid Pipe Thermium.pngThermium Molten Niobium.png Tungsten.png 220
Radiant Liquid PipeRadiant Liquid Pipe Aluminum.pngAluminum Molten Aluminum.png 410
Radiant Liquid PipeRadiant Liquid Pipe Thermium.pngThermium Molten Niobium.png Tungsten.png 440

Gas Pipes

Gas Pipes
Pipe Material Thermal Conductivity
Insulated Gas PipeInsulated Gas Pipe Insulite.pngInsulite Molten Tungsten.png Sour Gas.png 0.0000003125
Gas PipeGas Pipe Insulite.pngInsulite Molten Tungsten.png Sour Gas.png 0.00001
Insulated Gas PipeInsulated Gas Pipe Ceramic.pngCeramic Magma.png 0.019375
Insulated Gas PipeInsulated Gas Pipe Mafic Rock.pngMafic Rock Magma.png 0.03125
Insulated Gas PipeInsulated Gas Pipe Obsidian.pngObsidian Magma.png 0.0625
Insulated Gas PipeInsulated Gas Pipe Igneous Rock.pngIgneous Rock Magma.png 0.0625
Insulated Gas PipeInsulated Gas Pipe Sedimentary Rock.pngSedimentary Rock Magma.png 0.0625
Insulated Gas PipeInsulated Gas Pipe Sandstone.pngSandstone Magma.png 0.090625
Insulated Gas PipeInsulated Gas Pipe Granite.pngGranite Magma.png 0.1059375
Gas PipeGas Pipe Ceramic.pngCeramic Magma.png 0.62
Gas PipeGas Pipe Mafic Rock.pngMafic Rock Magma.png 1
Gas PipeGas Pipe Obsidian.pngObsidian Magma.png 2
Gas PipeGas Pipe Igneous Rock.pngIgneous Rock Magma.png 2
Gas PipeGas Pipe Sedimentary Rock.pngSedimentary Rock Magma.png 2
Gas PipeGas Pipe Sandstone.pngSandstone Magma.png 2.9
Gas PipeGas Pipe Granite.pngGranite Magma.png 3.39
Radiant Gas PipeRadiant Gas Pipe Gold Amalgam.pngGold Amalgam Molten Gold.png 4
Radiant Gas PipeRadiant Gas Pipe Iron Ore.pngIron Ore Molten Iron.png 8
Radiant Gas PipeRadiant Gas Pipe Cobalt Ore (Spaced Out).pngCobalt Ore Molten Cobalt.png This content was added in Spaced Out 8
Radiant Gas PipeRadiant Gas Pipe Copper Ore.pngCopper Ore Molten Copper.png 9
Radiant Gas PipeRadiant Gas Pipe Pyrite.pngPyrite Molten Iron.png 9
Radiant Gas PipeRadiant Gas Pipe Wolframite.pngWolframite Molten Tungsten.png 30
Radiant Gas PipeRadiant Gas Pipe Aluminum Ore.pngAluminum Ore Molten Aluminum.png 41
Radiant Gas PipeRadiant Gas Pipe Niobium.pngNiobium Molten Niobium.png 108
Radiant Gas PipeRadiant Gas Pipe Steel.pngSteel Molten Steel.png 108
Radiant Gas PipeRadiant Gas Pipe Thermium.pngThermium Molten Niobium.png Tungsten.png 440

Solid Tiles list

Important: For Insulated Tiles, these numbers will not match what is seen in-game. This is because the value displayed in-game is base100, but the actual value used by calculations (and shown here) is base(2255)2.

Tile Material Thermal Conductivity
Insulated TileInsulated Tile Insulite.pngInsulite Molten Tungsten.png Sour Gas.png 6.15e-10
Carpeted TileCarpeted Tile
Insulite.pngInsulite Molten Tungsten.png Sour Gas.png 0.00001
Insulated TileInsulated Tile Ceramic.pngCeramic Magma.png 0.0000381
Insulated TileInsulated Tile Mafic Rock.pngMafic Rock Magma.png 0.0000615
Insulated TileInsulated Tile Fossil.pngFossil Magma.png 0.000123
Insulated TileInsulated Tile Igneous Rock.pngIgneous Rock Magma.png 0.000123
Insulated TileInsulated Tile Obsidian.pngObsidian Magma.png 0.000123
Insulated TileInsulated Tile Sedimentary Rock.pngSedimentary Rock Magma.png 0.000123
Insulated TileInsulated Tile Sandstone.pngSandstone Magma.png 0.000178
Insulated TileInsulated Tile Granite.pngGranite Magma.png 0.000209
Plastic TilePlastic Tile Plastic.pngPlastic Liquid Naphtha.png 0.150
Plastic TilePlastic Tile Solid Visco-Gel.pngSolid Visco-Gel Visco-Gel Fluid.png 0.450
Carpeted TileCarpeted Tile
Ceramic.pngCeramic Magma.png 0.620
Window TileWindow Tile Resource Glass.pngGlass Molten Glass.png 1.110
Carpeted TileCarpeted Tile
Mafic Rock.pngMafic Rock Magma.png 1.000
Carpeted TileCarpeted Tile
Fossil.pngFossil Magma.png 2.000
Carpeted TileCarpeted Tile
Igneous Rock.pngIgneous Rock Magma.png 2.000
Carpeted TileCarpeted Tile
Obsidian.pngObsidian Magma.png 2.000
Carpeted TileCarpeted Tile
Sedimentary Rock.pngSedimentary Rock Magma.png 2.000
Carpeted TileCarpeted Tile
Sandstone.pngSandstone Magma.png 2.900
Carpeted TileCarpeted Tile
Granite.pngGranite Magma.png 3.390
Metal TileMetal Tile Depleted Uranium.pngDepleted Uranium Liquid Uranium.png This content was added in Spaced Out 20.000
Metal TileMetal Tile Lead.pngLead Molten Lead.png 35.000
Metal TileMetal Tile
Bunker TileBunker Tile
Steel.pngSteel Molten Steel.png 54.000
Metal TileMetal Tile Niobium.pngNiobium Molten Niobium.png 54.000
Metal TileMetal Tile Iron.pngIron Molten Iron.png 55.000
Metal TileMetal Tile Copper.pngCopper Molten Copper.png 60.000
Metal TileMetal Tile Gold.pngGold Molten Gold.png 60.000
Metal TileMetal Tile Tungsten.pngTungsten Molten Tungsten.png 60.000
Window TileWindow Tile Diamond.pngDiamond Liquid Carbon.png 80.000
Metal TileMetal Tile Cobalt (Spaced Out).pngCobalt Molten Cobalt.png This content was added in Spaced Out 100.000
Metal TileMetal Tile Aluminum.pngAluminum Molten Aluminum.png 205.000
Metal TileMetal Tile Thermium.pngThermium Molten Niobium.png Tungsten.png 220.000


  • When cooling or heating an area it's better to run pipes through tiles than through atmosphere. In both cases the equation for "Building and the cells it occupies" is used which multiplies both Thermal conductivities, and in general, gases have a much lower thermal conductivity than liquids, which have lower conductivity than solids.
    • However, if drastic cooling is desired, then Steam Turbines and Aquatuners will have to be involved, which means a cavity filled with Steam.pngSteam Water.png will have to be used.
  • Since Insulated Tiles have a factor of 1/16256, and pipes a factor of 1/32, much less heat is transferred if a regular pipe goes through an insulated tile than when an insulated pipe goes through a regular Tile. Though, of course, insulating both has an even better insulating effect.
  • Even though Insulite.pngInsulite Molten Tungsten.png Sour Gas.png has a lower thermal conductivity than any Insulated Tile, the change in formula from kgeom to klowest makes insulated tiles much more practical insulators than a regular Tile made from Insulite. Indeed, they are so good that even using regular rock is often sufficient to shut down heat transfer completely, or to practically unnoticeable levels.
