Carbon Dioxide Vent

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The Carbon Dioxide Vent is a Geyser which provides a gradual stream of high-temperature Carbon Dioxide.

Due to a mixture of its low output (an average of 63 kg/cycle across its whole activity cycle), the large number of machines which produce carbon dioxide as a byproduct, and low SHC offsetting the high output temperatures in terms of heat output (it produces an average of about 44.4 kDTU/s, or about two-and-a-half Space Heaters), carbon dioxide vents offer little utility and can be considered a low-priority geyser.

The high temperature of its output can be used to help offset lower-temperature inputs to Slickster ranches, but on its own an average vent can supply three slicksters continually. Even then, a door pump into the ranch is necessary to avoid damaging pumps - unless Thermium is available.