Chlorine Gas Vent

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Chlorine Gas Vent can be found in Swamp and Caustic Biomes and are a renewable direct source of Chlorine. Both biomes can have one exposed Chlorine Gas Vent.

If a Chlorine Gas Vent was not generated, a second Natural Gas Geyser might appear instead. Like other geysers, they are always found on top of Neutronium. During the eruption, emission can be blocked by over-pressurization. The maximum pressure it will emit at is 5 kg. The emission has a radius of 2, meaning that it can produce its outputs even if center tiles are over-pressurized, as long as there is a valid, reachable spot to place the output in a 5x5 block. In practice, this means that an over-pressurized Geyser should have free space at least two tiles high between it and the ceiling, and one tile width free spaces to both its left and right.


  • Squeaky Pufts consume chlorine and defecate Bleach Stone, which is used by Hand Sanitizers and Waterweed. One vent can support 1-2 squeaky pufts.
  • Chlorine can be used to grow some plants:
    • Dasha Saltvines require a small amount of Chlorine to grow in addition to being fertilized with Sand, one vent can support 11-23 plants continually. Chlorine will need to be cooled before being supplied to the Dasha Saltvines.
    • Balm Lilies require a chlorine atmosphere, however they do not consume any chlorine so a renewable source of chlorine is not required.
    • Liquid chlorine is consumed by Gas Grass, which are only available with rockets. One vent can support 84-168 plants continually.