Natural Gas Geyser

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Natural Gas Geyser can be found in Swamp, Oil and Caustic Biomes and are a renewable direct source of Natural Gas. Either biome can have one exposed Natural Gas Geyser. If a Natural Gas Geyser was not generated, two Chlorine Gas Vents may appear instead. On Terra asteroids, there will be at least one Natural Gas Geyser generated every time.

eruption in above max pressure

Gas geyser.png

In the 5 grids shown in the figure above, as long as the mass of any of the grids does not exceed 5KG, and there are vacuum/pushable/mergeable grids in these grids, the non-overpressure grids will be selected in the order of 1-5 for eruption.


  • Use an Atmo Sensor to shut down the Gas Pump when gas pressure drops; this helps to ensure power efficiency of the pump and also prevents damage from the initial burst of 150 °C gas.
