Egg Shell

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Egg Shell is an Organic item which is produced from critter eggs. Egg Shell is renewable and produces a key ingredient used in the production of steel.


Rock Crusher can produce Lime from Egg Shell. 5 kg Egg Shell = 5 kg Lime.


Any critter egg will leave Egg Shell after hatching or if the egg is broken.

Most critters leave behind 1kg Egg Shell while Shinebugs only leave 100g per egg

Egg Cracker can crack critter eggs to produce Raw Egg and Egg Shell.

Due to critter eggs, including Pacu eggs, yielding less than 5 kilos of Egg Shell per hatching (or breaking), and the Rock Crusher only being able to process 5 kilos per run, accumulating Lime can take a while.


Egg Shell is not an element. Instead it is an item with element of Genetic Ooze.