Raw Egg

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Raw Egg can be made from an Egg using an Egg Cracker. It is edible, but it is better to prepare it on Electric Grill or Gas Range. Raw Egg will turn into Omelette if exposed to a hot temperature for an extended time

Eggs stored in Storage Bins and other containers lose viability over time and will become a Raw Egg in 10 cycles if not released from the container.


  • A Raw Egg will cook into an omelette if it reaches 71°C.
    • As cracking doesn't change the temperature, cracking an egg of 71°C or higher produces an Omelette.
    • If an egg reaches 0% viability in a container and becomes a Raw Egg, its temperature is reset to 20°C.


Inside the Electric Grill, it can be cooked into


  • U48-567980: Raw Egg is now edible, and is worth 1600 kcal. Before this, Raw Eggs had to be cooked to be eaten.