Electric Grill

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Electric Grill allows Duplicants to create some advanced and intermediary food options for the Colony. Duplicants will not fabricate unless recipes are queued. It requires Grilling skill and takes 50 seconds.

The Electric Grill is served by the cooking errand, and utilizes cuisine attribute. A higher attribute level will reduce the time and overall energy required to complete a production cycle.

Food products fall to the ground after being produced and will expire if not deep frozen and placed in a sterile (oxygen/liquid-free) environment. Ingredients stored inside the Electric Grill never spoil.

Electric Grill can kill all food poisoning germs in the ingredients.

List of Recipes

Icon Name Ingredients kcal kcal+ Q Q+ SL Notes
Pickled Meal Pickled Meal 3 kg Meal Lice 1800 0 -1 0 32 Increases Meal Lice Shelf Life by a factor of 4, does not provide any other advantage.
Mush Fry Mush Fry 1 kg Mush Bar 1050 +250 0 +1 8 A method to make Mush Bars somewhat passable. Still not advisable resource-wise.
Gristle Berry Gristle Berry 1 kg Bristle Berry 2000 +400 1 +1 8 A simple low-tier dish, can be further improved at Gas Range.
Fried Mushroom Fried Mushroom 1kg Mushroom 2800 +400 1 +1 8 A basic intermediary dish, can be further improved at Gas Range.
Frost Bun Frost Bun 3 Sleet Wheat Grain 1200 +1200 2 +2 8 A good low-tier food. Halves the shelf life of Sleet Wheat Grain, can be further improved at Gas Range.
Omelette Omelette 1 kg Raw Egg 2800 +1200 2 +3 8 A good low-tier food. Halves the shelf life of Raw Egg.
Soufflé Pancakes Soufflé Pancakes 1 kg Raw Egg and 2 Sleet Wheat Grain 3600 +2000 3 +4 8 A good mid-tier food, great alternative to Omelette from Raw Eggs - better quality.
Barbeque Barbeque 2 kg Meat 4000 +800 3 +4 4 A good mid-tier food, can be further improved at Gas Range. Halves the shelf life of Meat.
Cooked Seafood Cooked Seafood 1 kg Pacu Fillet or Raw Shellfish 1600 +600 3 +1 4 A simple mid-tier food, can be further improved at Gas Range.
Swampy Delights Swampy Delights This content was added in Spaced Out 1 kg Bog Jelly 2240 +400 1 +1 8 Simple low-tier food.
Roast Grubfruit Nut Roast Grubfruit Nut This content was added in Spaced Out 1 kg Spindly Grubfruit 1200 +400 1 +1 8 Simple low-tier food.
Grubfruit Preserve Grubfruit Preserve This content was added in Spaced Out 8 kg Grubfruit and 4 kg Sucrose 2400 +400 3 +2 32 A solid mid-tier food with shelf-life comparable to Pickled Meal.