Carved Lumen Quartz

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Carved Lumen Quartz are Lumen Quartz that have been chiseled to maximize their Light and Decor values.

Unlike their raw counterparts, they can be moved.


Carved Lumen Quartz can be used as a portable source of infinite Light. Unlike Lamps, Carved Lumen Quartz can be placed in areas where Power is unavailable, or where building space is limited. They also generate zero Heat, meaning that they can be placed in insulated spaces (like vacuums) without fear of overheating.

Carved Lumen Quartz can be placed in unsightly areas to improve Decor. Its effects are noticeably amplified when placed onto a Pedestal.


The Light range of a Carved Lumen Quartz takes the shape of an imaginary 45-degree-rotated square, with each of the square's points extending 3 cells outwards in all four cardinal directions from the Carved Lumen Quartz. The Light produced within the closest 2 cells is 1000 lux, and all of the Light produced after the first 2 cells is 500 lux.

The Light range of a Carved Lumen Quartz.


  • Despite emitting Light, Carved Lumen Quartz does not fulfill the Light Source requirement for Rooms.


  • Placing a Carved Lumen Quartz on a Pedestal provides enough Decor to complete the Fancy Decor Item requirement of a Great Hall.
  • Multiple Carved Lumen Quartz can be stacked onto each other to compound their Light and Decor effects.
