Great Hall

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Eating and relaxing in a Great Hall will significantly improve Duplicants' Morale


  • At least one Mess Table
  • No Industrial Machinery
  • Minimum size 32 tiles
  • Maximum size 120 tiles
  • Decor item: 20+ decor (minimum of 1 item with decor rating 20+)
  • Recreational Building


Morale Bonus: +6

  • This buff is obtained by having the Duplicants eat in the Great Hall - there is no other way to do so. Therefore, this bonus is mutually exclusive from the Mess Hall bonus.


  • The Great Hall is the upgraded version of the Mess Hall. A Bluff Briar will meet the decor requirement even if you do not have an Artist duplicants. A Water Cooler will meet the recreation item requirement. These requirements are actually quite easy to meet in the early game.
    • (See screenshot #2) If the intention is for the Duplicants to just eat at this hall and not hang around in it, disable the Water Cooler and have another room with a functional Recreation machine.
  • A Recreation Room can be upgraded into a Great Hall by putting an unused mess table inside it (see screenshot #1):
    • Unfortunately, in order to get the buff, Duplicants must eat their meals in the Great Hall. Hanging out during downtimes won't grant this buff.