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Pedestal is a decorative Building that can be configured to display up to 1 kg or 1 unit of various resources. A Pedestal with nothing on it will grant +5 Decor with a radius of 1 tile. A Pedestal with an item on it gains additional Decor depending on the item being displayed:

  • Gains double the item's Decor value, or +5 Decor, whichever is greater.
  • Gains 2 plus the item's Decor radius.

Pedestals can showcase the same items as Sweepy:

Some resources displayed on a Pedestal have altered mechanics:

  • Items such as Oxylite and Polluted Water will not sublimate or evaporate. Temperature-based phase transitions still occur, and cause items to be removed.
  • Foods will not spoil. Their Freshness remains constant until they are removed.
  • Critter eggs will lose Viability. Upon reaching 0%, an egg will remove itself from the Pedestal and crack, becoming Raw Egg and Egg Shell.



  • Dasha Saltvine and Pincha Pepperplant seeds currently cannot be placed on a Pedestal because they require storage units with downwards orientation. Pedestal has upwards orientation.