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Manage my Duplicants' diets and medications
~ Consumables Tooltip

The Consumables Chart allows precise control over which Duplicants may consume what Food and Medicine. It can be accessed by either pressing the F key or clicking the "Consumables" button at the top of the screen.


After opening, the chart is displayed. In the leftmost column, each Duplicant's head, name, skill points and Morale are displayed in individual rows. These can be sorted by name and by morale. The first row allows setting up consumables for new Duplicants.

Right to that column is the main grid: The topmost row contains an icon of every food and medicine item the colony has discovered or manufactured already. Hovering over them displays a tooltip containing their name, available calories/units of that item, morale bonus if consumed and a short description. Consumables are grouped by morale bonus (Food) and effect (Medicine). If the amount of those items is too large to be displayed in this section, then the displayed scrollbar or the mouse wheel can be used to scroll along the list.

Below each item is a column of checkboxes, corresponding to the Duplicant in each row. Their colour is white for medicine and "Grisly" quality foods but gets more saturated with purple the higher the morale bonus of that food is. If a checkbox is ticked, the Duplicant whose row it is in, is allowed to consume the item whose column the checkbox is in. Clicking a checkbox toggles whether or not the Duplicant is allowed to consume an item. This is represented by a tick in the box. Whole columns can be toggled by clicking the respective food icon. Whole rows can also be toggled by pressing the rightmost button in each row. Those are displayed constantly in the rightmost section. Clicking the button in the top right toggles all checkboxes.


  • It is not advised to deselect Curative Tablet for any Duplicant, as any Duplicant can also get Food Poisoning.
  • If Vitamin Chews or Immuno Boosters are available, it is a good idea to only allow Duplicants working in germy environments to take these so they aren't wasted
  • Raw or unprocessed food that is going to be Cooked (for example raw Meat) should generally be deselected, so Duplicants only eat the higher quality food item, if it is available. This prevents a Morale penalty and possible Stress build-up.