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Morale is needed to keep Duplicants happy. The exact morale needed to do so is based on the duplicant's job. Poor morale will rapidly increase their Stress until they break, so it is recommended that upper level jobs are saved until several morale improvements are made. Generally, there are very few Morale Penalties.

Required Morale depends on the amount of training a Duplicant has had. The more skills they have been trained in, the greater the Morale they require to stave off stress. Advanced skills increase the Morale requirement more than basic skills do.

As of Meep's Mandatory Recreation Content Pack Upgrade, if duplicants have a morale higher than expected, they can become Overjoyed, giving them short lasting but strong buffs, such as higher skills, improvements to buildings' decor, if one wishes to have overjoyed duplicants, it is recommended to make a lot of furniture buildings as well as Recreation rooms to keep duplicants overjoyed more often.

Without a modifier, the Morale from Food ranges from -1 to +16 or is modified 0 to +16 with the Simple Tastes trait and -1 to +12 with Foodie. Duplicants will start eating in their downtime when below 3.300 kcal and has the highest priority.

Duplicants have a perception of Decor and Food. The higher the average Decor during the last cycle and the higher the Food Quality, the higher the Morale Boost will be. Morale penalties will be incurred if below the individual's perception. Normal Decor Perception is at 0, exceeding it can yield up to +12 Morale when reaching 120 difference and failing to will decrease Morale by -1. The Morale Boost is not linear.

Using rooms, having downtime and interacting with certain buildings will confer a Morale Boost. If there is a Recreation Room available with Oxygen on its floor, duplicants will use certain furniture only if they do not yet have the Morale Boost and they do so in the order of the most possible Morale gained.

Depending on duplicant's Interests, the highest Morale achievable is 94-105. The lowest is -1.

Morale and Relation to Stress

If your Duplicant has:

  • 2 points or more OVER their expected level --> stress reduction of 20% per cycle
  • 1 point over their expected level --> stress reduction of 10% per cycle
  • exactly meets their requirement --> stress reduction of 5% per cycle
  • for each point UNDER the requirement --> 2.5% stress per cycle per point, which is rounded up, so:
    • 1 point missing: 2.5 %, rounded to 3 % per cycle
    • 2 points missing: 5 % per cycle
    • 3 points missing: 7.5%, rounded to 8 % per cycle

Keep in mind that the morale requirement is only one factor relating to stress - stress debuffs such as popped eardrums or sopping wet will cancel out good morale, leading to rising stress even if your morale needs are completely met.

Morale table

All buffs that affect morale

Name Morale Duration (cycle) Use time (sec) Note 
Downtime 0 to +4 1.1 Bonus starts at 0 at 1 hour downtime and increases passive moral bonus by 1 for every hour added on downtime each cycle.
Visited Space 5 10 Also buffs all skills by +3, in This content was added in Spaced Out requires the use of a Sight-Seeing Module.
New Hope 1 3 Available for the starting 3 duplicants when game starts, can not be acquired again later.
Latrine 1 1.1 Use Toilet in a Latrine (Does not stack with Washroom)
Washroom 2 1.1 Use Toilet in a Washroom (Does not stack with Latrine )
Mess Hall 3 1.1 Eat in a Mess Hall (Does not stack with Great Hall)
Great Hall 6 1.1 Eat in a Great Hall (Does not stack with Mess Hall )
Park 3 0.4 Park and Nature Reserve are mutually exclusive, the timer will reset and your dupe will get the benefit of its most recent interaction from only one at a time.
Nature Reserve 6 0.4 Nature Reserve and Park are mutually exclusive, the timer will reset and your dupe will get the benefit of its most recent interaction from only one at a time.
Barracks 1 1.1 Sleep in Barracks (Does not stack with Luxury Barracks and Private Bedroom)
Luxury Barracks 2 1.1 Sleep in a Luxury Barracks (Does not stack with Barracks and Private Bedroom)
Private Bedroom 3 1.1 Sleep in a Private Bedroom (Does not stack with Barracks and Luxury Barracks)
One Shift Break 0 1.1
Two Shift Break 1 1.1
Three Shift Break 2 1.1
Four Shift Break 3 1.1
Five Shift Break 4 1.1
Grisly Meal -1 1.1 Food Quality ≤ -1
Terrible Meal 0 1.1 Food Quality = 0
Poor Meal 1 1.1 Food Quality = 1
Standard Meal 4 1.1 Food Quality = 2
Good Meal 8 1.1 Food Quality = 3
Great Meal 12 1.1 Food Quality = 4
Superb Meal 16 1.1 Food Quality ≥ 5
Ugly Decor -1 1.1 Last Cycle's Average Decor < -30
Poor Decor 0 1.1 Last Cycle's Average Decor ≥ -30 and < 0
Mediocre Decor 1 1.1 Last Cycle's Average Decor ≥ 0 and < 30
Above Average Decor 3 1.1 Last Cycle's Average Decor ≥ 30 and < 60
Nice Decor 6 1.1 Last Cycle's Average Decor ≥ 60 and < 90
Charming Decor 9 1.1 Last Cycle's Average Decor ≥ 90 and < 120
Gorgeous Decor 12 1.1 Last Cycle's Average Decor ≥ 120
Sun kissed 8 11.95 150 Use Beach Chair and requires sufficient light
Passably Relaxed 5 11.95 150 Use Beach Chair and requires insufficient light
Hot Tubbed 5 7.95 90 Use Hot Tub
Wind Swept 5 7.95 90 Use Vertical Wind Tunnel
Played Video Games 3 3.95 15 Use Arcade Cabinet
Recently Danced 2 3.95 15 Use Jukebot
Steam powered 2 3.95 30 Use Sauna
Stoked 2 3.95 30 Use Mechanical Surfboard
Shower 3 0.9 15 Use Shower
Had An Espresso 4 0.75 30 Athletics +1, Use Espresso Machine (Requires Power, 1 kg of water and 1 kg Pincha Peppernut. Also provides +1 to Athletics attribute. )
Drank Juice 4 0.75 30 Strength +1, Use Juicer
Soda Filled 4 0.75 30 Science +1, Use Soda Fountain
Socialized 1 1.1 Use Water Cooler (Requires 1 kg of Water)
Extra hydrated 2 1.1 -15% Stress/cycle, use Water Cooler (Requires 1 kg of Brackene)
Salted food 1 1.2 Eat food with Table Salt
Less Anxious 1 0.75 40 Use Party Line Phone while no one else is. Less Anxious, Full of Gossip, and Sociable are Mutually exclusive with one another.
Full of Gossip 2 0.75 40 Use Party Line Phone while someone else is also using the phone while on the same planetoid. Less Anxious, Full of Gossip, and Sociable are Mutually exclusive with one another.
Sociable 4 0.75 40 Use Party Line Phone while someone else is also using the phone while across space. Less Anxious, Full of Gossip, and Sociable are Mutually exclusive with one another.
Duplicant 1 How not to be is a mystery

Overjoyed Responses

Overjoyed responses are positive effects that can occur when the morale of a duplicant is higher than necessary for their morale requirements. Morale is checked when a duplicant finishes sleeping. If morale exceeds expectation by over 8 points, there is a 2% chance the Duplicant will awaken with an overjoyed response. This probability rises linearly with morale up to a maximum of 5% chance with 20 excess morale.

Name Description Response
Balloon Artist This duplicant hands out balloons ON THEIR DOWNTIME when overjoyed. Duplicants receiving a balloon gain +8 Creativity, Science, Cuisine, Medicine, Agriculture and Husbandry for 2 cycles ("Balloon Buddy" state).
Sparkle Streaker

This duplicant leaves a trail of happy sparks when they are overjoyed.

Athletics +8. Gives athletics +5 to nearby dupes for 1 cycle ("Sparkle Flattered" state).
Super Productive This duplicant is super productive when they are overjoyed. Duplicant has a 10% chance to skip working and complete a chore instantly. The chore must have a progress bar that lasts longer than 1 second to be skippable.
Sticker Bomber This duplicant will spontaneously redecorate a room when overjoyed. Decor +20 (Radius: 3 tiles) for each Sticker Bomb
Yodeler This Duplicant belts out cachy tunes when overjoyed. Sings while doing any activity, gaining +8 Machinery, Construction and Strength for 1 cycle ("Yodeling" state) for the Yodeler, and a +5 of the same stats for other Dupes ("Serenaded" state).