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Meat is recommended to be cooked into a Barbeque in an Electric Grill as it provides 400 more calories per kg and has better quality than Meat. Barbeque also serves as an ingredient in even better meals made in a Gas Range.


Inside the Microbe Musher, it can be cooked into

Inside the Electric Grill, it can be cooked into

Meat yield per Critter

Critter kg of
PokeshellPokeshell 0 100
Shine BugShine Bug 0 25/75[1]
MorbMorb 0 Infinite
HatchHatch 2 100
PipPip 1 100
PuftPuft 1 75
DreckoDrecko 2 150
SlicksterSlickster 2 100/150[2]
Shove VoleShove Vole 10/5[3] 100
Gassy MooGassy Moo 10 75
DivergentDivergentSO icon 3/1[4] 150/75[4]
Plug SlugPlug SlugSO icon 2 100
BeetaBeetaSO icon 0 5

Note: Baby Critters and Morphs all yield the same amount of meat.

  1. for Abyss and Radiant Bugs
  2. for Longhair Slicksters
  3. for Delecta Voles
  4. 4.0 4.1 For Sweetles

See Also