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Drecko is a critter found in the Caustic Biome. They are a renewable source of Phosphorite, which makes them important for Wheezeworts maintenance and Fertilizer production. If provided a hydrogen atmosphere their scales will grow and can be shorn for Reed Fiber or Plastic from Glossy Dreckos. Dreckos may also be killed for meat.

The Printing Pod often offers a drecklet or 3 drecklet eggs as care packages.


This creature can be found crawling around in cavities in the Caustic Biome. They are able to cling strongly to any surface, and will freely wander the full perimeter of whatever chamber they are in. They are not hostile and are quite mobile, inevitably wandering away from any chamber they are not trapped in.

It will fight back when attacked, but is no match for even an unskilled Duplicant. It drops 3200 kcal (2 kg) of Meat on death.

Regular Dreckos and Glossy Drecko both have a default bodily temperature of 35C at birth. They will slowly come to match the environmental temperature with time. Caution in temperature regulation needs to be taken when ranching Dreckos in a Mealwood farm since it can heat the farm to up above 30°C, halting Mealwood growth.


Unlike other critters, they consume the growing plant and reduce its growth percentage, including being able to consume "harvest ready" plants. They can only feed on plants that have reached at least the percentage amount they'll consume, and it's worthwhile to disable "Auto-Harvest" on plants. Fully fed tame Dreckos have 10 000 calories available to them and considering their Metabolism remains 100% they will lose 2000 calories each cycle. After reaching 9000 calories or less they will start looking for food and once they find it they will eat until full. Under perfect conditions Dreckos will attempt to feed twice a cycle.

Tame Dreckos feeding on domesticated plants will consume 80% (100% for Glossy Drecko) of the plants growth each cycle, meaning the growth rate % taken away from the plant each time they feed is relative to the plant they are consuming. As an example Balm Lily grows 8,3% each cycle and a regular Drecko will drain 80% of this value (6,6%). Note that Metabolism will only stay at 100% while the grooming effect is active so these numbers will never translate perfectly to actual gameplay.


Drecko eggs have a base incubation rate of 3% per cycle. When put in a powered incubator, their incubating rate is increased to 17%. An incubated Drecklet will mature into a Drecko after 5 cycles.


The Drecko has two variants, each with its own varied diet preferences. Along with the plain Drecko, there is also the Glossy Drecko.


Drecklet Egg.pngDrecklet.pngDrecko.png

Glossy Drecko

Glossy Drecklet Egg.pngGlossy Drecklet.pngGlossy Drecko.png

A Drecko fed primarily Mealwood will have a chance of producing a Glossy Drecko Egg, with a larger chance given a higher volume of Mealwood consumed. The Glossy Drecko shares the same behavior of the Drecko, but when sheared produces Plastic instead of Reed Fiber, along with being incapable of eating anything but Mealwood & Bristle Blossom.

Drecko Ranching

Drecko are finicky critters to domesticate in a fully productive way, due to their mixed environment preferences. They live 150 cycles, but reproduce fairly slowly. They need access to growing Pincha Pepper, Balm Lily or Mealwood plant to satisfy their dietary requirements and produce Phosphorite. The ratio for Plants to Drecko is 3 Plants to 4 Drecko and 1 Plant to 1 Glossy Drecko with their respective diet. Using wild instead of domesticated plants, the ratio increases to 3 Plants to 1 Drecko and 4 Plants to 1 Glossy Drecko. They only produce Reed Fiber or Plastic when in a Hydrogen atmosphere. When tame they regenerate their "wool" at a rate that allows harvest once roughly every 8 cycles for Drecko or 3 cycles for Glossy Drecko, provided they are completely immersed in hydrogen for the entire duration.

Reed Fiber farm

The goal of this setup is to produce Reed Fiber with plain Drecko. This is quite helpful in Arboria Asteroid and The Badlands Asteroid where Swamp Biome is missing.

Build a stable room of three layers. The bottom layer is filled with Chlorine to grow Balm Lily, as it does not require maintenance once planted. The middle layer is filled with Oxygen for Duplicants' convenience to work with the Grooming Station and Shearing Station. The top layer is filled with Hydrogen for Dreckos to grow Reed Fiber scales. With this setup, Dreckos can eat Balm Lily in the bottom layer, and grow Reed Fiber scale when they move to the top layer. Duplicants can tame the Drecko and shear the scales in the middle layer.

It also possible to completely seal the room with a liquid lock and provide Atmo Suit access, in which case an oxygen layer is not necessary. This also means the Dreckos spend potentially more time in hydrogen.

Alternatively, Pincha Pepper can be grown in a room completely flooded with hydrogen. It requires Phosphorite for fertilization, which the Dreckos supply. However, it also needs a constant supply of polluted water.

Either plant may require some initial heating of the atmosphere in order to satisfy their temperature requirement. It is thus best to build the outer walls out of Insulated Tile.

Plastic farm

The goal of this setup is to produce Plastic with Glossy Drecko. Compared with Polymer Press, this approach is more energy efficient and produces less heat. It can also be achieved relatively early, long before access to the Oil Biome.

Build a room with hydrogen on top and oxygen at the bottom. Grow roughly a dozen Mealwood plants in the oxygen, which also allows a ranching Dupe to breathe. Starting with regular Drecko, the Mealwood diet ensures that they eventually lay Glossy Drecko eggs. Regular Drecko may later be moved to their own specialized stable.

To create the required atmosphere, hydrogen can be released at the bottom of the base and allowed to drift upwards into the Drecko stable. To supply a more measured amount without gas piping, the Canister Filler and Emptier may be used to transport hydrogen from far away. Enough hydrogen supplied this way will ensure a stable top layer even at maximum oxygen pressure from below. A completely sealed room is thus not required.

An Incubator can be placed in the hydrogen layer and cooled with a Wheezewort next to it if the temperature it gives off threatens the Mealwood growth.

A half dozen Glossy Drecko will produce roughly 1 ton of Plastic every 10 cycles with such a setup, along with several tons of Phosphorite and multiple eggs. This can be a sustainable alternative in obtaining plastic in the mid to late game.

The excess of plastic produced this way can also be converted into Naphtha by melting it, or Natural Gas by melting and re-cooling at the later stages of the game. One stable of Glossy Drecko can produce ~250 kg plastic/cycle if sheared regularly. It would be enough to power 3 Natural Gas Generators with 100% uptime (2.4 kW of power).

Phosphorite farm

If the shearing is not a priority the setup can be simplified to a chlorine pit with domesticated Balm Lilies, where all wild Dreckos get dumped. The maps usually have enough of them to generate abundant stream of phosphorite.

Auto-surplus method

Another method of farming fiber/plastic without a hydrogen filled-room is to make use of the auto-surplus wrangling and Incubator system. Since newborn drecklets have their scales fully grown, they can be sheared as soon as they become adults and then moved to another location for culling with the auto-surplus function.

A 96 tiles room will have a limit of 8 dreckos including egg count before the crowded penalty kicks in.

This setup can benefit from automation with timers for scheduling and Drowning chamber to free up duplicants from mass slaughter.

Starving method

Since Drecko's don't require food for their wool to grow, you can let them starve to death in a hydrogen filled room. Their life will be prolonged if they are not groomed due to the metabolism penalty. They will reach an age of 37 cycles before dying, in which you can shave Dreckos 4 times and the glossy variant 11 times.

This method is not sustainable without an additional source of Drecko eggs.

Door roofing

This method is rather unconventional since it uses doors as a way to keep the Dreckos in the hydrogen for longer periods of time. The goal is to build as many doors as possible within the top layer of the stable where hydrogen remains, then set their state to open so that the Dreckos can move within the cluster of doors and marginally extend their navigation within the hydrogen. Keeping at least one layer of tiles above the doors is recommended to prevent them from escaping. This is especially useful for Glossy Dreckos since they eat Mealwood, which is a plant that does not survive in hydrogen. This method however can potentially shrink the size of the stable, since doors count as tiles no matter their state.


  • R2-264752: Introduced.
  • U42-509629: Dreckos and Glossy Dreckos consume significantly less plant growth per cycle to adjust for a related bug fix.