Heavi-Watt Wire

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Heavi-Watt Wire carries 20 times more power than a standard Wire, but causes very low decor values for a wide area. It should therefore not run along the pathways the Duplicants walk or work along regularly.


  • It cannot run through tiles or doors, so plan ahead.
  • Because of its huge negative decor impact it makes sense to run this wire along separated maintenance tunnels without Duplicant access - and only in spaces where Duplicants do not need to work. Shield it with walls and doors wherever it runs near Duplicant operated items.
  • For the same reason do not connect it to Duplicant operated items like the Manual Generator - use a Power Transformer to connect it in appropriate distance and then use other wires from there.
  • You can use Heavi-Watt Joint Plate with Heavi-Watt Wire if you need to go past doors or single tiles.

See Also