Oil Reservoir

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Oil Reservoir is a Geyser-like terrain feature found in the Oil Biome and produce Crude Oil and Natural Gas when an Oil Well is placed on top of them. Oil Reservoirs will not produce oil otherwise. There are one to three of them per world, however more can spawn if the world has the World Traits for trapped oil or irregular oil. Oil Reservoirs often have Crude Oil around them at hot temperatures.

Unlike proper geysers and vents, oil reservoirs do not have a Neutronium-base under them, which is convenient for collecting oil. They are also made of Sedimentary Rock, which can melt at 926.85 °C / 1700.33 °F. Finally, unlike geysers and vents, oil reservoirs do not erupt, and their stats do not differ from one reservoir to the next (i.e. oil wells produce the same amount of oil from all oil reservoirs).

World Generation

The maximum oil reservoirs generated from seed depends on the oil traits (trapped oil, irregular oil) and the asteroid type.

From a seed without oil traits, worlds may generate:

  • more than 3 oil reservoirs on Oasisse or Verdante
  • up to 3 oil reservoirs on other asteroids

Both Oasisse and Verdante are modified with the irregular oil trait even if the seed does not include it, so they generate more oil reservoirs by default.

From a seed with oil traits, worlds may generate with more than 3 oil reservoirs except on Terra. Terra will never have more than 3 oil reservoirs because the asteroid does not allow world traits. Based on TNI data[1]: Oasisse seeds have the most oil reservoirs (with the most extreme seeds showing up to 50), followed by Verdante seeds with up to 38, and the rest have a maximum between 20-30 oil reservoirs.

