Oasisse Asteroid

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This article is related to content of the Base Game. There may be a version for the "Spaced Out" DLC, see Oasisse Asteroid (Spaced Out).
Asteroid Oasisse.png

Oasisse Asteroid is an Asteroid Type in the game of Oxygen Not Included. It features lots of very hot Sand surrounding the starting biome and taking up most of the map, and, like Verdante Asteroid, always has the Irregular Oil modifier even if it is not rolled during worldgen. Due to combination of early challenges, Oasisse Asteroid can be considered the most difficult preset in the game.


Example Oasisse world. Notice the huge amount of hot sand and scattered Oil Biome patches.

Oasisse Asteroid is composed of following Biomes:

Three Biomes are missing in Oasisse:

Map Layout

Location / Distance Biome variants
Start Point Forest Start
1 Forest Mini Metal, Mini Oxygen, Mini Water
2 Temperate Desert
3 Temperate base version, Desert
3 Oil Patch
4 Swamp, Caustic, Tide Pool, Temperate
5-999 Swamp, Caustic, Tide Pool
Bottom Volcanic
Top, 1 Space
Top, 2 Temperate Desert

Important Resources


There are several challenges in the early game as Forest Biome contains little Water that can be electrolyzed into Oxygen, and any other supplies of water require significant digging to reach.


Oasisse has significantly less natural Water in the early game due to sand taking up most of the map. The player will have to invest in processing Polluted Water from a Swamp Biome, or Salt Water from Tide Pool Biomes.

Polluted Water

Swamp Biomes containing Polluted Water start further out than normal.

Raw Minerals

Forest Biome has large quantities of Igneous Rock. Swamp Biome and Tide Pool Biome have Sedimentary Rock. The desert is ringed with Sandstone.

Metal Ore

Forest Biome has large quantities of Aluminum Ore. Caustic Biome provides Iron Ore. Swamp Biome provides Gold Amalgam. The desert contains bands of Copper Ore.

There is no natural Wolframite.

Reed Fiber

Thimble Reed is available in Swamp Biome.

Crude Oil

Oil Biomes can occur at any height throughout the map.


Following Plants can be domestically planted:

Balm Lily.pngBalm Lily
Dusk Cap.pngDusk Cap
Thimble Reed.pngThimble Reed

Following Plants can be domestically planted after Water supply is available:

Bristle Blossom.pngBristle Blossom

Following Plants can be domestically planted after Polluted Water supply is available:

Arbor Tree.pngArbor Tree
Pincha Pepperplant.pngPincha Pepper

Following Plants are not available in Oasisse:

Dasha Saltvine.pngDasha Saltvine
Nosh Sprout.pngNosh Sprout
Sleet Wheat.pngSleet Wheat


Following Critters are available in Oasisse and can be tamed:

Shine Bug.pngShine Bug
Shove Vole.pngShove Vole


Tungsten is not available in Oasisse due to lack of Wolframite, unless the map has glaciers or a frozen core.

Heat Management

Heat management is a challenge in Oasisse. The starting area lacks Abyssalite walls and is surrounded by swathes of 70°C hot sand, immediately putting the player on a timer.

Worse still, The Frozen Biome is not available in Oasisse by default, so there will be no Anti Entropy Thermo-Nullifier. Although, Wheezeworts can be generated by additional World Traits, such as Frozen Core or Large Glaciers.


  • Oasisse is named Oasis in game code.
  • Oasisse seeds generally have more oil reservoirs than other asteroids, up to 64 oil reservoirs have been recorded on Oasisse maps and no other asteroid types have managed to come close to so many oil reservoirs.