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This article may be outdated. It was last updated for EX1-466411. These versions were tagged as updating the game mechanics discussed here: EX1-469287 • FA-471618
Spaced Out
This article is related to DLC content of Spaced Out.

Divergents is the common term for the two different variants of a single Critter species, those being Sweetles and Grubgrubs. While visually very different, one can lay the egg of the other and both tend to Plants on ground level (including those in Farm Tiles, but not those in Planter Boxes), giving them either the Sweetle tended (a 5% growth boost) or Grubgrub Rub (a 50% growth boost) effect. Sweetles can be found in the Wasteland Biome, along with Spindly Grubfruit Plants.

Sweetles and Grubgrubs will have an increased chance to lay Grubgrub eggs if allowed to tend Grubfruit Plants. While both of them are able to lay Grubgrub eggs with 99% chance with enough times of crop tending, Grubgrubs have a higher starting point of 67% while the initial chance for Sweetles is 2%. Grubgrub eggs chances increase by about 2% per Sweetle tending and about 1% per Grubgrub rub.

The Sweetle will not retaliate when attacked. However, the Grubgrub will deal 4-6 damage in retaliation when a Duplicant attacks. Typically, it can only manage one attack on a Duplicant, but if multiple Duplicants attack at once, they can all remain unharmed.


Sweetle Egg (Spaced Out).pngSweetle Larva (Spaced Out).pngSweetle.png


Grubgrub Egg (Spaced Out).pngGrubgrub Wormling (Spaced Out).pngGrubgrub.png


  • Sweetles enable sustainable creation of Sucrose. To maximize Sucrose production, they are best kept in their own ranch without plants to tend, as otherwise they'll lay almost no Sweetle eggs, depriving the colony of its Sucrose production.
  • Grubgrubs are best paired with Plants to rub them for faster growth. This can be done without feeding them until they starve, or starvation can be prevented by feeding them only once every 10 days.
  • Sweetles require 12 cells each in a ranch to not be overcrowded, while Grubgrubs require 16. A max-size ranch can house 8 Sweetles or 6 Grubgrubs.
  • To maximize Mud production, Grubgrubs should be fed sucrose. Grubgrubs transform only 10% of the mass of Sulfur into Mud, but 100% of the mass of Sucrose into Mud. Despite the 50% loss when Sweetles convert Sulfur into Sucrose, the conversion is ultimately 5x better to have sweetles turn Sulfur into Sucrose and then feed the Sucrose to Grubgrubs. To do that, you need a ratio of 3 fed Sweetles per Grubgrub.
  • All together, this will allow production of Grubfruit Preserve, a long-lasting food source similar to Pickled Meal.
  • To maximize the amount of calories produced per kilogramme of Sulfur, it's best to ranch Sweetles with only a few Grubfruit Plants per ranches. Much of the calories will come in the form of Meat. Sweetles lay eggs faster than GrubGrubs, require less space before they become overcrowded, and eat less sulfur, but Grubgrub drop more meat upon death. Keeping Sweetles with Grubfruit Plants will maximize the chance that they will drop Grubgrub eggs which can then be turned into more Meat. If that meat is turned into Barbeque, one happy Sweetle can produce 6000 calories/4.5 cycle = 1333 calories per cycle this way. That's assuming the additional calories from Grubgrub Plants balances out the inefficiencies from occasional Sweetle eggs.
  • To feed the Sweetles, Grubgrubs, and Grubfruit Plants long-term requires a source of Sulfur, and so a Sulfur Geyser tamer is recommended. The high temperature of the Sulfur is a problem, and Sulfur has very low thermal conductivity that will make cooling once it's solid quite a hassle. However, since a geyser will only output less than 3 kg/s of Liquid Sulfur, the output can be pumped and then split into three pipes for cooling without solidifying in the pipes before being output.
  • For an average 1.5 kg/s of liquid Sulfur Geyser, 45 Sweetle can be fully fed, creating 450 kg/cycle Sucrose. If all Sucrose is used to feed Grubgrubs, 15 Grubgrubs can be fully fed, creating 450 kg/cycle Mud. which can be refined to 180 kg/cycle Dirt + 270 kg/cycle Water using a Sludge Press. That's enough for 18 Mealwood and to oxygenate 4 Duplicant using an Electrolyzer.
  • A Sour Gas Boiler will also produce the necessary Sulfur for long term farming of Grubgrubs and Grubfruit. Though at that stage in the game food will most likely no longer be an issue, this could be used as a source of high volume, sustainable food production for resin production. Sour gas boilers require no external input and are fully sustainable.
