Farm Tile

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Farm Tile grows a single plant when sown with a seed. They can be used as floor tile and rotated before construction.

The Farm Tile is built using 100 kg of Cultivable Soil, such as Clay or Dirt.


Following plants are recommended to plant with Farm Tile:


Upon planting any plant seed into a Farm Tile, the Locavore Achievement will no longer be available for the current colony. Simply constructing the tile is okay.


See Planter Box for tips; Farm Tile is just a tile version of planter box.

  • Duplicants can plant a seed or deliver fertilization to a Farm Tile from the back side of it.
  • If you have to account for air/liquid circulation, but want to keep the farm compact you can fill the remaining spaces with an Airflow/Mesh Tiles with Planter Boxes.
  • Note that Farm Tile has no decor penalty, unlike Hydroponic Farm or Planter Box, and therefore more suited for inline farms.
  • Unlike regular Tiles farm tiles do not have a runspeed bonus.