Anti Entropy Thermo-Nullifier

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Anti Entropy Thermo-Nullifier is an example of old technology found only in the Frozen Biome and there are only a few of them that spawn in each world.

The machine itself is very cold, and it absorbs and nullifies additional heat energy when Hydrogen is pumped into it. It takes 10 g/s of Hydrogen as input and absorbs 80 kDTU/s of heat from the surrounding gas. It can only cool down gases to a minimum temperature of 100 K (-173.15 °C), after which it reports "Too cold" and stops cooling.

It comes with a gas intake with an Obsidian Insulated Gas Pipe connected to it. It is recommended to replace this piping as obsidian is not a very good insulation material.

Although the Anti Entropy Thermo-Nullifier can be demolished for Refined Metal, it is not possible to build another, so in general it is a poor idea to demolish it. It can be repaired using Iron, if damaged.

The Hydrogen it consumes could be used to power a Hydrogen Generator. Therefore the AETN uses the equivalent of 80 watts of power (without considering the waste heat produced by the Generator).

Hydrogen Heat Deletion

In addition to the heat deletion produced by its operation, the Thermo-Nullifier also deletes the thermal mass of its fuel. If its fuel is heated T °C before being fed into the machine, the actual heat deletion rate is 80000DTUs+2.4DTUgC×10gs×T

A Hydrogen Generator also deletes heat via thermal mass; for a similar heating, it deletes 2.4DTUgC×100gs×T4000DTUs

There are two things to note here: first, a hydrogen generator becomes heat-negative if its fuel is heated to at least 16.7 °C before being burned. An AETN, meanwhile, is always heat-negative, but heating its fuel improves it heat deletion less than it improves a hydrogen generator. The AETN remains more efficient until fuel can be heated by 388.9 °C or more, at which point the Hydrogen Generator overtakes it.


  • Since the AETN only cools gases, it's useful to keep it in Hydrogen (or another gas with a high thermal conductivity) to efficiently transfer heat between AETN and its surroundings.
    • Hydrogen also has a lower condensation point than AETN's minimum temperature, eliminating the risk of accidentally turning the gas into its liquid form.
  • The Anti Entropy Thermo-Nullifier cools at a rate of -80 kDTU/s, to a minimum temperature of -173.15 °C. A Wheezewort, by comparison, cools at a rate of -12 kDTU/s in Hydrogen, and can only cool to -60 °C.
    • Alternatively, it can be covered in Tempshift Plates and submerged into Hydrogen to maximize cooling. Note that it does not exchange heat with the Tempshift Plates directly - they only help spread the cooling out across the hydrogen gas.
  • Using it to cool liquids in the mid game can be tricky, as it can easily freeze Water, Polluted Water, and Salt Water being pumped across it.
  • Ethanol, Crude Oil, and Petroleum are more stable alternatives, but they can still freeze if the Thermo-Nullifier runs long enough. Super Coolant is the ideal alternative but is not available until Rockets.
  • The Anti Entropy Thermo-Nullfier can be used for Sour Gas condensation before Super Coolant can be produced.