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The Biobot is an automated robot that can do basic Duplicants tasks. They are created at the Biobot Builder from Steel and Zombie Spores. Once the internal Biofuel battery runs out it is automatically marked for deconstruction. The battery runs down at a constant rate, even if the bot is idle, and lasts 10 cycles.

Biobot compared to Duplicants

Like Dupes, Biobots are able to traverse ladders, jump up 2 tiles, and jump over one block gaps. They will seek out viable errands, but are limited in the errands they can perform. Since their attributes never increase they usually perform tasks slower than a dupe.

The main advantage P.E.G.G.Y. has over a Duplicant is that they have no external needs and therefore can work uninterrupted for as long as their battery lasts. They are also unaffected by many hostile environments like underwater, in Vaccum, inside of Magma or in high-radiation areas.

Biobots cannot use Fire Poles or Transit Tubes, and ignore them when moving around, and they will not wait at Duplicant Checkpoints.

Performable Tasks

Can do

  • Can dig soft materials
  • Can construct any building unlocked with Novice Research
  • Can collect from a Pitcher Pump and supply a Bottle Emptier
  • Can perform Supply and Storing errands
  • Can deconstruct buildings, including other Biobots

Can't do

  • Cannot dig anything which requires Skill: Hard Digging or higher
  • Cannot construct any building that requires Advanced Research or greater
  • Cannot operate buildings
  • Cannot Mop fluids
  • Cannot Disinfect or Repair
  • Cannot Attack critters
  • Cannot uproot plants


  • Biobot's pilot is a variant of the Morb named Sporb
  • they are called MorbRover in the gamefiles


  • they share a bug with Rovers which allows them to operate with an empty battery
  • they are picked up by Sweepy and can be marked for Sweeping with the multi-select mode of the Sweep Tool
  • If upon death there are liquids in Biobots inventory, then they will be spilled on the floor

See Also