Zombie Spores

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The Zombie Spores is a disease caused by Sporechid pollen.


The Sporechid plant in Oil Biome spreads the Zombie Spores germ in nearby gases.


It is transmitted through inhalation only. Duplicants holding their breath or in an Atmo Suit won't catch the disease


It causes -10 to all attributes for 18 cycles.


Jet and Atmo Suits can protect Duplicants from infection.


It is cured by Serum Vial in the Disease Clinic, or it can be waited out, however the latter is not recommended as the Duplicant in question will be rendered practically useless.

Duplicants with Medicine Compounding skill can produce Serum Vial in the Apothecary with 1 unit of Sun Nymph Egg and 1 kg of Steel.

Duplicants need to learn the Advanced Medical Care skill to operate the Disease Clinic.


Dying rate of Zombie Spores germs is rather slow - in case of gases (e.g. Oxygen) only 3% will die per cycle, while in case of liquids (e.g. Water) only 29% will die per cycle.

Care should be taken on asteroids with Frozen Core World Trait, as liquefying Carbon Dioxide, dropping it into water and letting it evaporate again will create hundreds of millions of germs on both CO2 and water.


Temperature range: -105 to 290 °C

They can survive in:

They are disinfected by:

They are inhibited by any other gasses, and killed by any other solids, liquids or radiation exposure.

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