Hydrogen Vent

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A Hydrogen Vent is a Geyser which acts as a renewable source of Hydrogen gas, which is useful both as an energy-efficient fuel and in Heat management.

Like all gas geysers, it will become overpressurized and stop emitting if the surrounding pressure reaches 5kg. The emission has a radius of 2, meaning that it can produce its outputs even if center tiles are over-pressurized, as long as there is a valid, reachable spot to place the output in a 5x5 block. In practice, this means that an over-pressurized Geyser should have at least free space at least two tiles high between it and the ceiling, and one tile width free spaces to both its left and right.

Heat Economy

Hydrogen Vents produce gas at 500 °C. This is hot enough to overheat even a Steel Gas Pump, so cooling is necessary within the vent chamber unless one is willing to invest Thermium or construct more sophisticated pumping mechanisms.

Due to the high SHC of Hydrogen, it has the second-highest heat output among gas vents (after the Steam Vent): the average Hydrogen Vent produces 105 g/s of gas on average, resulting in 126kDTU/s of heat. However, this is averaged across the geyser's entire activity period, including its dormancy phase; heat production while erupting is substantially higher, which means that cooling systems need to be prepared for high peak heat transfer.

A single Thermo Aquatuner with Petroleum coolant is capable of moving 246.4kDTU/s, which is enough to cool up to 2464002.4×(500270)=446.4 g/s of Hydrogen to 270 °C. Hydrogen Vents may have output rates between 233.33 g/s and 466.67 g/s while active (depending only on the individual vent); hence, a single Petroleum Aquatuner is insufficient for Hydrogen Vents within the upper ≈8.7% of the possible range of output rates. Directly cooling the output with Aquatuners thus often requires more than one, which significantly cuts into net energy production.

To make more efficient use of the output of a Hydrogen Vent, the vent room can be built adjacent to a Steam Turbine's input chamber, connected by a wall of Metal Tiles. Tempshift Plates can be placed on either side of the tiles to further accelerate heat transfer.