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Metal refers to two types of material, Metal Ore and Refined Metal. Metal Ore is found naturally in the environment, and can be converted to Refined Metal at a Rock Crusher or Metal Refinery, or by feeding raw metal ore to a Smooth Hatch.

The Metal Refinery is the most efficient, as it converts 100% of the raw metal into refined metal. The Smooth Hatch converts 75% of the consumed raw metal into refined metal. The quarter of material will be lost to its guts. The Rock Crusher converts 50% of the raw metal into refined metal, and the other 50% into sand, making it the most inefficient way of producing refined metal.

It is also possible to refine metal ore by heating it into melted state and cooling down. However, it is not very practical.

"Refined" metal can also be obtained from volcanoes and meteors as well as by space travel.

For detailed material property comparisons, see the Metal Ore and Refined Metal pages.
Copper OreCopper Ore Gold AmalgamGold Amalgam Iron OreIron Ore
WolframiteWolframite Aluminum Ore‎‎Aluminum Ore‎‎ None
CopperCopper GoldGold IronIron


TungstenTungsten AluminumAluminum LeadLead NiobiumNiobium
