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Puft is a non-aggressive critter that breathes in certain gasses (depending on their variation: Polluted Oxygen, Oxygen, and Chlorine) and excretes them as their solid counterparts (Slime, Oxylite, and Bleach Stone, respectively).


Pufts typically inhale twice, then rise to the ceiling and excrete 1.5 to 2.5 kg of their corresponding element, doing this approximately every 10 seconds, so they can convert Polluted Oxygen to Slime at a rate of around 50 g/s.

Pufts can only achieve their maximum conversion rate if their mobility is limited and will otherwise spend much of their time traveling and rising, reducing Polluted Oxygen conversion rates.

Pufts will not produce droppings if they do not have room to rise to the ceiling. This can be circumvented by giving them a pneumatic door as roof, which is theoretically not a solid thus allowing production though not accessible to them, leaving the Puft to produce droppings in its place.

Pufts are non-hostile and will flee when attacked.

Puft eggs take 15 cycles to hatch outside of an Incubator, or 3 cycles if Lullabied.


The Puft has four variants.


Puftlet Egg.pngPuftlet.pngPuft.png

The Puft that is the yellow, three-eyed critter most often encountered in the wild. It ingests Polluted Oxygen and excretes Slime with 95% efficiency (i.e. the mass of the excreted slime is 95% that of the inhaled Polluted Oxygen).

The Slime that Pufts produce can be converted to Algae at an Algae Distiller, or used to farm Dusk Caps.

The Puft can lay all four kinds of eggs (94% chance Puft, 2% chance of other morphs), depending if there is a Puft Prince nearby and its age.

  • The chance of laying a Puft egg will decrease over time no matter what it's penned with.
  • If not penned with Puft Prince, the chance of laying Puft Prince eggs will increase over time.
  • If penned with Puft Prince, the chance of laying Dense Puft and Squeaky Puft eggs will increase over time.

Pufts pair well with Morbs, since they will consume the Polluted Oxygen that the Morb produces.

Puft Prince

Puftlet Prince Egg.pngPuftlet Prince.pngPuft Prince.png

The Puft Prince is otherwise the same as the basic Puft variant, but can breathe all three gases, though only excreting 10% of the inhaled mass. They are, however, needed to get Pufts to produce eggs for the Dense Puft and Squeaky Puft variations.

Puft Prince can only lay Puft eggs, as the Puft Prince is always stabled with itself, and its initial 2% chance to lay a Puft Prince Egg will disappear before it can lay one.

Dense Puft

Dense Puftlet Egg.pngDense Puftlet.pngDense Puft.png

The Dense Puft requires Oxygen and creates Oxylite at 95% efficiency.

The produced Oxylite can be used as an oxydizer in Rockets.

Dense Puft can lay Puft (31%), Puft Prince (2%), and Dense Puft (67%) eggs.

  • If not penned with Puft Prince, the chance of laying Puft Prince eggs will increase over time.
  • If penned with Puft Prince, the chance of laying Dense Puft eggs will increase over time.
  • The chance of laying a Puft egg will decrease over time no matter what it's penned with, but changes much slower than the other two.

Squeaky Puft

Squeaky Puftlet Egg.pngSqueaky Puftlet.pngSqueaky Puft.png

The Squeaky Puft requires Chlorine and creates Bleach Stone at 95% efficiency.

The produced Bleach Stone can be used to farm Waterweed or refill Hand Sanitizers.

Squeaky Puft can lay Puft (31%), Puft Prince (2%), and Squeaky Puft (67%) eggs.

  • If not penned with Puft Prince, the chance of laying Puft Prince eggs will increase over time.
  • If penned with Puft Prince, the chance of laying Squeaky Puft eggs will increase over time.
  • The chance of laying a Puft egg will decrease over time no matter what it's penned with, but changes much slower than the other two.

Puft Ranching

The main issue with puft ranching is necessity to keep liquid on the floor of their enclosure to keep outputs in solid form, and regularly sort out their eggs into dedicated enclosures.

Slime farm

Building a stable room with Polluted Water on the floor and filling it with plain Pufts is enough. Water will off-gas Polluted Oxygen, feeding pufts. It may be easier to keep the population of Pufts higher by keeping a separate Puft Prince stable to produce Puft eggs.

With Spaced Out, a single Sublimation Station running continuously was enough to feed just under 8 Pufts.

Slime can be used to grow Mushrooms sustainably or converted into Algae.

Oxylite farm

The basic setup for Dense Puft will be the same as for plain Puft, but with Deodorizers. More advanced ones will require constant input of oxygen from the outside.

Compared with Oxylite Refinery, this approach requires no power and produces no heat.

To get the Dense Pufts, ranch normal Pufts with a Puft Prince and you'll have a 50% chance of the right egg dropping. To keep the ranch going, a single Puft Prince will keep Dense Pufts producing their own eggs.

Bleach Stone farm

The goal of this setup is to produce Bleach Stone with Squeaky Pufts. Squeaky Pufts are the only renewable source of Bleach Stone, which makes them necessary for sustainable domesticated Waterweed farming. Since Waterweed grows in the water and is not sensitive to the gas environment, both farms can be combined. Even one Squeaky Puft can theoretically support up to 57 Waterweed plants (assuming non-interrupted production).

Chlorine is usually abundant enough and can be sourced from Chlorine Gas Vent. The problem lies in its density, and Pufts habit of floating to the top (e.g. not where the chlorine will be), so the stable will require some atmospheric control, airlocks, and access with Exosuits.


  • LU-357226: Puft temperature ranges widened and made unique per species.
  • LU-356355:
    • Increased the food->poop efficiency of the 3 main pufts to 95%
    • Increased the eating rate of all pufts
    • Puft Princes can now eat all 3 puft atmosphere types.