Sublimation Station

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The Sublimation Station is a building that speeds up the conversion of Polluted Dirt.pngPolluted Dirt Molten Glass.png into Polluted Oxygen.pngPolluted Oxygen Liquid Oxygen.png. It becomes idle when area reaches maximum pressure capacity.


The Sublimation Station converts the solid mass of polluted dirt into breathable gas. However, because it creates Polluted Oxygen, it will need to be deodorized to prevent Yucky Lungs. Unfiltered, one Sublimation Station can support 5 Duplicants; as there is a 30% increase to Oxygen Consumption due to Yucky Lungs.

Converting the Polluted Oxygen to Oxygen.pngclean Oxygen Liquid Oxygen.png requires 6.6 Deodorizers per Sublimation Station for an additional power cost of 33 W, plus 880 g/s of Filtration Medium. The deodorized output of one Sublimation Station, running constantly, can support 6 Duplicants. This is an excellent source of Clay for Ceramics.

On the other hand, allowing Duplicants to breathe the Polluted Oxygen will remove the cost of the Deodorizers; but the subsequent Yucky Lungs debuff increases their air consumption by 30%. With the 30% penalty, it can support up to 5 Duplicants, one less than the Deoderized option. This does have the advantage of saving on Filtration Medium. Be careful when running this building as a Polluted Oxygen atmosphere brings the risk of rampant spreading of Slimelung and cannot be piped to buildings such as the Atmo Suit Dock.

Synergy with Ethanol Power

The sublimation of the Sublimation Station has good synergy with Ethanol Power generation as the process of converting Arbor Trees into Ethanol in the Ethanol Distiller creates an abundant amount of Polluted Dirt. While burning Ethanol into a Petroleum Generator produces most of the Polluted water needed for irrigation of new domestic Arbor Trees, the process is technically Water Negative. Utilizing a Sublimation Station instead of a Electrolyzer can save the colony hundreds of kilos of water per cycle.

Synergy with Puft Ranching

The sublimation of the Sublimation Station also creates a good synergy with Puft Ranching. As Pufts consume large quantities of Polluted Oxygen, and produce Slime in return. Useful for farming certain plants, ranching certain critters, generating Oxygen, or even Water creation.


  • EX1-464434: Emission cell moved one space down to make it consistent with the Oxygen Diffuser and to prevent emissions from destroying solid cells above.